How to cancel Premium Spotify on all devices?

How to cancel Premium Spotify on all devices?

Spotify is one of the best music listening apps worldwide. Indeed, using Spotify is very practical for users who don’t want to waste their phone’s storage to listen to music they haven’t downloaded.

If you want to use Premium Spotify, there are several plans that you can sign up for. It costs $9.99 per month and can only be used for one account for an individual. There is also a Family plan which only costs $14.99 and can be used for up to 6 accounts. If you are a student, the premium subscription is even cheaper; it is only $4.99.

However, you may want to cancel Premium Spotify on your account. This post will show you how to cancel Premium Spotify on all devices, including desktop versions, Android devices, and iOS phones.

How to cancel Premium Spotify on a web browser

To cancel Premium Spotify on your PC, you just need to take these steps;

  1. Open your web browser on your desktop
  2. Next, go to Spotify’s official website
  3. After direction to the website, find the “Account Overview” section on the screen, and click on it. If you are not still signed in, write your username or email address and your password, and then click log in.
  4. Now, find the “Subscription” option from the sidebar on the left side of the screen.
  5. As a result, Spotify will show you a box with your membership information. Here, check the date your plan is set to renew, as you will be able to continue using the premium feature until then after you have canceled it. Click on the “Change” button to cancel.
  6. Scroll down to the end of the screen and find the “Spotify Free” option. Now, click on the “Cancel Premium” button next to it.
  7. Confirm your decision by clicking on the “Yes, Cancel” button.
  8. Congratulations! You have unsubscribed from Premium Spotify.

How to cancel Premium Spotify on android

If you are using an Android device ( a phone or tablet), follow these steps to cancel Premium Spotify on it. Just notice that you are not going to use the Spotify app since we will do it with a web browser. Here we go;

  1. Open your web browser on your phones, such as Chrome or Firefox.
  2. Now type in “” on the address bar.
  3. You have to log in to your Spotify account. Click on the “Log in” button after you have entered your email address and password. If you signed up through Facebook, tap on the blue button labeled “Log In with Facebook.”
  4. Click on the “Account Settings” option below your profile picture when logging in through Facebook.
  5. Next, click on the “Subscription” button in the left sidebar on the Spotify page. As a result, you can see your subscription and payment information.
  6. Click on the “Change or Cancel.” You will be shown a page with “Spotify Free” as the header. Now, click on “Cancel Premium.”
  7. Finally, Spotify will show you a confirmation page. Click on the “Yes, cancel” button to cancel your Premium Spotify.

How to cancel Premium Spotify on iOS

How to cancel Premium Spotify on your iPhone? Don’t worry. You can use the same method explained in the Android section. But alternatively, you can obey the following steps;

  1. First, go to the Settings app on your iPhone’s home screen and tap to open.
  2. Now click on the “iTunes & Apple Store” option and then click on your “Apple ID section.” As a result, a box will be opened for you to enter your Apple ID password.
  3. As you are on your Account page, scroll down the screen until you find the “Subscriptions” section. You need to click on it, and you will see your Spotify Premium subscription on the list.
  4. on the last step, click on the Spotify Premium subscription and turn off the “Automatic Renewal” option. You have canceled Premium Spotify successfully.


Thank you for being attentive. As you see, canceling Premium Spotify can be done on all devices, no matter if it is a PC, laptop, Android phone, or iOS device. If you need more information about the process, you can contact Spotify’s help center and ask for help.

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