Category Archives: social media

It’s good to be aware of new features, algorithm, and latest changes of all social media that help you to show your products, better. All in all, everything about Social Media.

What are the Benefits of Social Media for Business?

What are the Benefits of Social Media for Business?

Imagine spending a few hours a day I order to increase your brand awareness, traffic, and sales with little to no cost.

Social media marketing is more than just an online popularity contest; you should know that using social media in the right way can actually boost your brand.

Social media has turned into a great marketing channel for businesses of all types and sizes. So you should learn how to be a professional in social media to be able to compete with others in the marketplace. With this wide range of technology, it’s hard to find out how these services can work for you.

Benefit of having a social media strategy

  • Social media helps you expand your other marketing efforts.
  • Social media helps you attract buyers.
  • Social media is a key driver for word-of-mouth marketing.

However, send better emails is NOT one of the benefits of social media for business. So, social media may not help the email marketing strategies.

  • Increased brand awareness/Exposure

Social media is a great place to reach new potential customers who are already interested in your business and helps you expose your brand or service to modern eyes. By spending a few hours per week, you can increase your exposure, and you can generate a wide audience for your brand.

  • Humanize your business

A lot of people do not trust a company until they see a “real-world proof” that the brand will keep its promises. So if you want to connect with your potential customers, you have got to show them the human side of your brand. You can create a real human connection on social media to promote your business.

Try to introduce your followers to the people who are working for your company.

  • Increased inbound traffic

Without using social media, your incoming traffic will be limited to your usual customers. So, you will have difficulties reaching anyone outside of your existing customers.

Every social media account you create a gateway to your website, and each content you post on social media is an opportunity to gain new followers.

With social media marketing, you can open your brand to a wider variety of potential customers all over the world.

  • Better customer service

Sometimes an audience would not reach out to you if they have a problem. Instead, they would post a complaint online on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook! Many customers are using social media as a way of contact with a brand and expect an immediate response.

The faster you respond, the better you can help them. So people will become customers and recommend your brand to others.

  • Collecting Leads

Social media is a great marketing tool that helps you manage leads and build a stronger email list for your brand.

One of the best ways to attract new customers on social media is to post content which is relevant to your brand and your target audience.

  • Social selling

Social media can be a channel to create sales which can keep your business afloat. Social selling gives your marketing brand the opportunity to build relationships and rapport with existing networks and connections.

An active and engaging social presence will help you keep on top, so if someone wants to purchase again, they will come to you first.

  • Study competition

You should know what people are saying about your competitors. For instance, you can track mentions of your competitors to reveal the pain points of their products.

You can use social media to target the fans of your competitors and find out what they are doing that you can do better!

  • Feedback

Social media lets you get instant feedback from your customers no matter good or bad. As soon as you find out about your pain points, you can fix them.

  • Customer engagement

Social media lets you interact directly with users who are already interested in your business. Also, it will give them a direct line to contact you and your business.

Be consistent on social media and stay engaged with your audience and let them see that you are there for them when you need them.

  • Higher conversion rate

By increasing your visibility, you will gain more opportunities for conversion. Each of your blog posts, videos, images or products will lead viewers to your website and increase traffic. It also allows your brand to make a good impression through a humanization item.

When you are interactive by sharing content, posting comments and commenting on social media, it personifies your brand. People like to purchase from other people rather than companies.


All of these points show that social media marketing is a great benefit for business owners. Social media marketing can affect the bottom line of your business by boosting the sales.

Problem-solving: Facebook dating not showing up

Today we want to talk about Facebook dating not showing up. One of the new features added to Facebook is Facebook dating. You can find friends on Facebook and connect with them and meet them. But like other new features, Facebook has its drawbacks! These problems may have different causes, but we have nothing to do with the cause. We want to solve the problem easily! Join us in this article to tell you the solutions to the Facebook dating problem.

Ways to solve this strange Facebook problem

Facebook’s new feature is very good and practical. With this feature, you can find friends and talk to them according to your location. There are many factors behind this problem, two of which we will mention:

  • You may be under 18 years old.
    People under the age of 18 can never use this new feature and there is no solution to fix it! But if you are over 18, you can easily download the program and install it on your phone.
  • You are not using the Facebook app.
    To solve this, you can also install the Facebook application on your phone and create an account for yourself. You can then use the Facebook Dating feature.

Practical solutions to solve the problem of Facebook Dating Not Showing Up in its application

If your phone or device does not call when you use Facebook Dating, we give you simple solutions to help you solve this problem. We present 6 practical solutions for you. We hope you solve your problem with them.

1. Check your internet connection.

Remember that you must be connected to the Internet to use the Facebook Dating app. So if Facebook Dating is not called for you, it may be a problem with your internet connection. So you should check your internet connection and if it is not connected, connect it.

2. Update the Facebook application.

One of the reasons Facebook Dating does not work can be the lack of an update to the Facebook app. So you must update it. All you have to do is click on the Update option to install the new version of the Facebook app for you.

3. Remove the extra patch on your phone.

You should know that all phones store some data of running applications in their cache to be able to run applications faster. If this stored data is stacked, it will slow down the phone. Your phone may not even be able to run some applications properly! So sometimes you need to clear your phone cache.

4. Enable Facebook app notifications.

Facebook app notifications may be disabled on your phone. So check it out and enable it if you have it disabled so you can use Facebook Dating.

5. Reinstall the Facebook app.

This may seem futile, but sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling phone apps can fix some of the issues in the app. So we suggest you try this way too.

6. Contact the Facebook support team.

If you have tried all of the above, but the problem of using Facebook Dating remains unresolved, we suggest you go to the official Facebook و website and send a message to the Facebook technical support team there. In this message, raise your problem so that they can investigate your problem and offer you a solution.


If you want to use this new Facebook feature, just log in with your email. A new profile will then be created for you to use the Facebook dating feature. This profile is completely different from your original Facebook profile. After creating a dating profile, many people, based on their location and interests, offer you friendship to make friends.

Of course, this does not mean that you have to wait for others to offer you friendship! You can also offer friendship to others. In this article, we talked about the problems that exist in this new Facebook feature and offer you simple solutions to solve them.

If your problem persists, you can share it with us. If this post was helpful to you, share it with your friends.

How Often Should I Post on Social Media?

Are you wondering how often you can post on social media without crossing the line? Posting on social media once a day can get you traffic, engagement, and shares. But each social media platform has different posting potentials that you should know before your action.

First of all, you should be consistent and post regularly, because if you don’t, your audience will forget about you and you will quickly fade away on their minds.

On the other hand, if you post too much, they will be exhausted from seeing your posts filling their feed all the time.

So, if you want to be consistent on social media but not too much, and you want to know where is the red line, just keep reading.

The best time to post on Facebook

The best time to post on Facebook is in the early afternoon between 1 to 4 pm.

Posting on Facebook once a day is optimal, with a maximum of two posts per day.

Under 10000 Facebook users experienced a 50% drop in their engagement when they post more than once a day.

The best time to post on twitter

You can tweet every two hours, or you can post between 2:00 am to 10:00. you can post about 15 times a day on twitter, but I have seen top accounts posting 100 times a day!

What is the best time to post on Pinterest

You can pin between 2:00 am and 11:00 pm to get the best engagement from the Pinterest users. The minimum number is about five pins per day, with a maximum number of 30. But we recommend posting 11 pins per day.

What is the best time to post on LinkedIn

The best time to post on LinkedIn is between 10 to 11 am. You can post at least twice a week on LinkedIn, because if you post more than this, users may miss them. The recommended number is one post per day.

What is the best time to post on Instagram

The best time to post on Instagram is from 8 to 9 am, and 2 am. You can use post scheduler tools to make sure you got the engagement you need for your posts. You should post at least once a day and no more than three times a day on Instagram.


Choose a time routine for your posting and stick to it so your posting and stick to it so your followers will know when to expect you on their feed. If you want to be consistent and post right on time, you can use schedule post tools. They will automatically post your content on the exact time you scheduled for them.

How to make a website on Instagram?

Are you using Instagram to promote your business? Do you want to direct your Instagram followers to your website? Once you build an audience on your Instagram, How can you get their eyes from your feed to convert on your site? The answer is you need to focus on how you can drive traffic (organic traffic) and conversions from Instagram. But before anything, you should make sure your profile will successfully drive traffic to your website.

How to make a website on Instagram?

You should make an excellent website on Instagram with iLink to draw users in and encourage them to follow you. The first thing your customers see from you on Instagram is your Instagram bio. Usually, people may see one of your pictures before they come to your profile. But if they want to follow you, they will look at your bio. So, it’s the first impression that you are making on them.

How can I write a good Instagram bio?

I can give you some suggestions to consider:

  • Your name (username)

Your name  should be unique (your business name or your actual name)

Don’t use weird words, funny spellings or other versions of your name. This is how people know you, and your brand.

Your username and name on Instagram are the only things that Instagram considers in search queries.

  • Make it interesting

Social media is about having fun, especially on Instagram.

Your bio should show the fun side of your personality too. Know your audience and make them laugh.

  • Use some keywords

Keywords on Instagram aren’t used the same way as keywords on websites, hashtags are easy to search and find, but if you use them on your bio, they won’t show on search results.

You can create a custom hashtag for your brand and use it to connect with other users.

  • Include your website link

The only way to post a clickable link on Instagram is to place it in your bio. Most users link to their website’s homepage.

But what if you want to share more than one link on Instagram?

You can’t always update or change your link on bio, it’s frustrating.

There is a way to fix this problem 

You can use iLink to convert as many links as you want into one short link and place it on your Instagram bio or anywhere you like.

iLink lets you create a source page to store your multiple links via one link and use it on your Instagram bio.

by using this tool, you can direct more traffic to your web pages and promote your products.

You can customize your profile by adding profile pictures, addresses of your other social media accounts, your location, and phone number, etc.

Place a call to action on your caption or image

You can throw a contest or giveaway on Instagram and ask them to click the link on the bio and enter your website.

Like this post of canva. The photo has a call to action that asks followers to enter a contest for a year of free access; the caption directs users to click on the bio link of canva.


Now that you get a few ideas about how to drive traffic to your site from your Instagram bio, its time to get started.

Take your first step and make sure you don’t get obsessed with it.

Can I see who viewed my TikTok?

TikTok is one of the most popular short video sharing platforms which has millions of active users monthly. Like other socila media viewing TikTok profile can be exciting, especially when you want to do it anonymously. It might also happen to see who viewed your profile. Follow this blog to get the answer to all of these questions.

Social media is of great help for many users to have fun or boost their accounts for business purposes. Knowing more about TikTok, and its different parts might help you to perform better on this popular social network.

Can people see if I view their TikTok profiles without an actual account?

No. people can see who viewed their TikTok profile if you use a TikTok account. If you visit someone else profile, they will get a notification on their notification bar. But if you use the TikTok profile viewer, no one will see you have viewed their videos or profile. However, you can only TikTok profile viewers if they have a public account.

If you want to see a private personal account, you should log in with the TikTok account and send them a follow request. If they accept your request, you can see their profile content, and they also get notifications that you have visited their profile.

TikTok profile viewer

If you search on the internet, you can see several TikTok profile viewer that helps you to find the content of username you want. You can search the username you are going to view their profile and find the profile from the listed accounts. Once you open the account, you can see their videos if their accounts are public. If the account is a private one, you will get an error. In this way, the person won’t realize that you have seen their profile. Indeed, you can see their profile anonymously.

By the way you can also download tiktok videos using: “tiktok video downloader“.

How to see who viewed your TikTok?

TikTok will notify users if someone visits your profile using a TikTok account. However, if they use any tools like the TikTok profile viewer, you won’t get any notifications, and you cannot see who has viewed your profile.

To see someone TikTok profile:

  1. Open TikTok app on your mobile
  2. Tap on the notification icon 
  3. Try to find “viewed your profile” on the notification bar
  4. Tap on the profile pictures

Can you see who viewed your TikTok video?

No. TikTok will only notify if someone has viewed your profile, not videos. You can only see the number of TikTok users who have seen your videos. If you want to see the number of TikTok video viewer:

  • Open your TikTok account
  • Go to your profile by tapping your profile picture on the home
  • Find out the number which is written inside the video thumbnails

All in all

Social media is of great help for many users to have fun or boost their accounts for business purposes. Knowing more about TikTok, and its different parts might help you to perform better on this popular social network.

Here is the infographic of how to see who has viewed your TikTok

iLink vs. Linktree

If you are looking for ways to share multiple links in one link, then you are in the right place. We are going to compare two popular services that let people share several links, photos, videos, etc. in one link. So, let’s know more about iLink and Linktree.

Sharing several links on different social media platforms has become common among users, and many people are looking for ways to do it. For a long time, we weren’t allowed to add multiple links in Instagram’s bio, and we had to make a hard decision to choose one link over the other links.

But things have changed today! Fortunately, users can now add multiple links in one link and share it on different platforms. Now, many tools are out there that let users add several links in one link.

What do iLink and Linktree do?

Both iLink and Linktree are tools to optimize the Instagram bio link, for any Instagram users such as marketers, bloggers, businesses, etc.

Once you create a link on iLink or Linktree, then you can share it on any social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. and ask your followers to click on the link.

For instance, iLink lets you direct your customers from anywhere to your blog page, websites, YouTube, Social media accounts, new product introductions, etc.  

When users click on the custom link, they will be redirected to the page you have designed, and they’ll see all you have shared on the platform.

If you have already used the link tree, you may find that there are some pros and cons. For example, there are more professional alternatives. Linktree is functional, but it is very simple. Other websites provide a more beautiful, customizable design.

Why do I need multiple links on Instagram bio?

Well, anyone who shares blog posts, owns a website, wants to sell the products, etc. can easily redirect the audience to the place they should be!

Businesses usually use Instagram for branding and getting people familiar with their products and services, so, after attracting users by the things you provide, it is time to show them a way to reach the services or products you offer.

On the other hand, you might just like to promote your blog post and want to be popular, then using a service such as iLink is helpful again. Just copy and paste your iLink URL into your Instagram bio, and you’re all set.

Linktree alternatives

iLink is the best alternative to Linktree, which is a free tool to gather all URLs, videos, audios, and social media accounts in one place. What you build is like a landing page or web page. It means that you would have a web page with all your details.

You can use iLink in any way:

  • Add multiple links to Instagram bio
  • Redirect users to any place you want
  • Building your resume
  • Share your products
  • Build a rich profile
  • Cloud-based storage

What are the primary services of iLink?

iLink has three primary services:

  • A free version of adding multiple links
  • iLink pro (paid) to get more details and features
  • iStore (paid) making an online store


The free version of iLink:

  • Customize your profile (shows your email, phone number, mobile number, and your current location)
  • Add a description about yourself and your business.
  • Upload a profile photo for your iLink page.
  • easy to set up.
  • Unlimited beautiful free themes.
  • Provides stats, including the number of clicks on every link.
  • Easily counts the clicks.
  • You can add your social accounts to your page via default.
  • Shows your visitors little clickable icons of every social media.
  • No limits; you can add as much link as you want.
  • Add music
  • Add video
  • Add your website
  • Different button style options
  • It provides both an avatar profile and your own photo.

The paid version of iLink:

The paid version is not available yet, but it will be added soon. The new features will be iShop and Pro that I am going to explain it a bit.


iStore is an online store builder in which users can add their products and details on a landing page. Using available stunning features on iStore, users can build a unique store for all kinds of their products, including physical and digital products and services. Small-sized businesses and retailers can easily have a website for their products that is customized.

It lets customers buy directly from iShop and lets businesses and brands make their own designed page. It is a useful option for businesses that don’t own a website.


The free version of Linktree:

  • Unlimited links
  • Reporting on the total number of clicks for each link
  • Three Linktree themes
  • Upload your own profile image
  • Amazon Influencer Program Integration
  • See very basic Analytics stats

The paid version of Linktree:

  • Daily breakdown of your link traffic
  • Team access
  • custom buttons and styles
  • custom title
  • The ability to schedule links
  • Remove logo
  • Email integration
  • Link tracking
  • Add image or GIF

iLink and Linktree’s price:

iLink is free with all its provided features. The paid version of iLink will be available soon with an affordable price.

Linktree has both the free version, which is limited in some cases, and offers the pro version, which is $6 a month.

Why should I choose iLink over Linktree?

Another advantage of using iLink is the ability to add more info to your account by clicking on more info tab which includes:

  • Description:

 you can add whatever description about yourself or your business on this part. Basically it is like bio tabs that will show your audience more information about you.

  • Contact info: 

You should add your contact info here to let your audience stay in touch with you. These will be shown on your profile:

  • Email address
  • Phone number ( home or work)
  • Mobile number
  • Address
  • Social:

You can add the links of every social media account you have, so people will be able to contact your social accounts only by clicking on their little icon appearing under your iLink profile page.

  • Page Theme:

You can change the theme of your iLink page via this tool.

Main themes are an Instagram theme, side info theme, and default theme.

  • Background color: you can change your background color to every color/colors you want.
  • Button shadow: you can add a shadow to the button of your link to make it bold.
  • Text color: you can change the color of the text on your page.

After changing these, you should tap on the submit button to save the changes.

If you are looking for some tips and tricks to get more Instagram followers, then using iLink seems to be the best option comparing with Linktree.

Moreover, Linktree doesn’t show the photos and videos in the free version, which iLink does.

The last word

Using a single link instead of using several links is so powerful both for personal and business users because it prevents your audience from being confused by seeing multiple links. Moreover, you can add photos, videos, blog posts, products, etc. by using tools such as iLink and Linktree. After getting more information about iLink and Linktree, which one would you like to use? Please share your ideas and experiments with us; we are all ears.

How Does Twitter Work?

Twitter is one of the most popular media which has more than 300 million active users monthly. To stay updated, Twitter would change its algorithm consistently. So, to get Twitter followers and maintain the growth, it is essential to understand how this algorithm has changed, or what would be the future of the Twitter algorithm. In this article, you read about the newest twitter algorithm and assumptions about its future.

How does twitter work?

There are a few rules that you should know about popular social media, including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. They are almost similar in terms of keeping users active and show the relevant content to them. Twitter is one of the best platforms for all users to make money. For example, they can build an online store and share it on their Twitter bio. The more you perform better on Twitter, the more you can get followers and make money.

There are a few crucial factors on every social media. Twitter works based on:

1. Interests

What information you enter in your bio or any actions matter on twitter. For example, if you one person with a specific profile, twitter gets the signal that you might be interested in the same profiles. So, it would suggest similar profiles. If you would follow them, this will continue, and you would have a circle of following with almost similar interests, work, or professional profiles.

2. Relevance

The above explanation is correct for the topic you follow. If you are following the news related accounts, who follows you almost have the same interests as you. So, if you want to have a clear and favorite account, you should be very careful about what actions you do on twitter.

3. Consistency

Consistency is essential for other social media, including Facebook and Instagram. But what exactly is this consistency? There is indeed no exact number of times to post on twitter, but how you call a person active on twitter? If they publish daily? Hourly? Twice a day or three times a day?

Personally, if a person posts three tweets per day, I call them active. It seems that other articles also have the same opinion, and post daily is a must to be active on this platform.  And the more important it is to keep this sequence. If you are publishing every day, keep it and try to post every day. You can also use the Twitter scheduler to post in advance. This would help keep your presence on twitter.  

Twitter timeline algorithm

If you are one of the active Twitter users, so you need to know how does twitter works and to know the twitter timeline algorithm. It would help to use the app better and also if you want people to see you most often. Here I will bring a brief story of the previous twitter algorithm because it helps you to understand the current one better.

In 2006, the Twitter timeline was a simple application founded by Jack Dorsey founded, and with some character limits and twits publishing in chronological order. Each user could see the twits from followers on the most recent one. In 2014, Twitter added recommendations, topics, and twitter accounts bar to its timeline. A year later, the phobia of missing content caused the creating the ICYMI (in case you missed it), which could help users to read published twits in case there were not online and could not see that, under the “while you were away” on top of users’ timeline. A few years later, Twitter changed its algorithm again, and the best twits came to the front to show the most favorable tweets from people. Also, in that period it was easier to get followers so users did not need to plan to buy real Twitter followers to keep growing their profile.

And now, in 2019, the twitter timeline algorithm is about both types of posts. Now users can switch between both recent posts and the most favorable one. However, this option is available on the mobile app, and if you tap the star icon on the top right corner. You see the” see latest twits instead,” and other options are “go back home.”

And there is another option just beside the posts that users can tap on that to see those posts less often.

As Twitter has announced, they are now collaborating with researchers at the University of Berkely to have some changes shortly. Jack Dorsey in his comments about twits tells that Twitter is a real-time media. It seems that they have focused on live trends all around the globe, instead of making Twitter a passive application. That is why most twitted posts should come first, and if you don’t like it, you have to change the setting as you want.

There are some debates about the content which twitter show to the people. For example, seeing retweets from people you follow, but the main content is from a person who is not in your follower’s list. Another discussion is about paid content, in which you may don’t like to see. These are all about twitter algorithm and their preference about what they want to people mind. In the most recent changes, Twitter has begun demonstrating tweets from who your friends are following. Twitter is putting these posts into the feed of users without permission from clients.

As Twitter said, its goal is to expose users with more relevant content, which they might be interested in that content. However, it can be useful in some cases, such as being involved in football and seeing twits from people whose users are not following. But what about the unwanted content?  For example, a harsh political sentence, or whatsoever. There some crucially important content, and shouldn’t people distributed them without considering its credibility. It means that not all the material has the same value to be published wherever they are related. Take medicine courses as an example: what if an untrue content about the vaccine or any other treatment handed over by users? Should twitter algorithm change to omit harmful content that might have a detrimental effect on society?

Spreading unwanted content is a matter of debate for all other social media too. For example, Instagram is preventing the sharing of pictures that might be sensitive to people. There is an alarm icon on the image that shows it is sensitive content. You can choose to watch or skip watching that. It might be easier to prevent unwanted pictures from distributing, but how about content?

The future of Twitter timeline algorithm

As a Twitter spokesperson said in a CNN interview, their team is working on publishing the wanted and relevant content. There would be a choice for people to see the content from people they follow only. Following the health of conversation is the main focus of the company in the coming year.

Jack Dorsey’s conversation with CNN shows that they are questioning everything, and they need some more considerations about twitter. Politics twitter is something that is broken about twitter because there is a lot of empowering conversation. He is considering to address this issue to remove the harmful content from Twitter. He is saying that 12 years ago, when they started the company, issues were small.

Jack Dorsey conversation about the near future of Twitter


The newest twitter algorithm gives the users two choices about top twits or seeing the latest one. However, there are other issues about the type of content you want to read. False information, harassment, and all the problems are getting out of Twitter. Twitter is a place for open conversation, but As Jack Dorsey discussed, the future of Twitter algorithm would be about the health of discussions instead of false ones, fraud, and so on. What matters most is going to be twitter’s next step.

Instagram deleted my account for no reason, why?

Instagram is one of the best platforms for all users to grow and make interests. Marketers use this platform to make money. Thus, having an issue on Instagram becomes like a headache for users. What they look for is to fix the issue instantly. Here in this blog, we explain why Instagram has deleted your account and how to fix it.

Why has Instagram deleted my account?

If you read the Instagram terms and conditions, you realize that Instagram is looking for a safe, healthy community like other social networks, including Facebook, twitter. Facebook has clearly stated that they want every user to have only one account. This is somehow is the same for Instagram.

There are many reasons that Instagram might delete your account.

  • You have followed many users more than limit on Instagram, right after opening an account
  • You have violated the terms and condition
  • You have shared some inappropriate content
  • You have violated the terms and conditions in the Instagram activities section. It means you have liked, follow, inserted comments more than limit.
  • You pretended to be someone else
  • You violated the copyright condition

How to know if Instagram deleted your account?

Of course, the first sign is that you won’t be able to enter your account. When you enter the email address, it states that there is no username by what you have entered.

Even if you enter the phone number, it won’t find the account to reset the password. So, there is no way to reset the password once Instagram deleted your account.

  • If you enter the username, it says it is unavailable
  • If you enter the email address, it is that it’s not found
  • Or if you enter the phone number, it says that there is no account associated with that phone number.

How to fix if Instagram deleted your account?

Unfortunately, in most cases, Instagram would delete the account permanently, and you won’t sign in anymore. You even cannot use that username or email address to sign up for the new account.

How to prevent Instagram don’t delete your account?

If you have recently opened an Instagram, you should be very careful. Try not to follow many people at first.

You should do everyday actions if you don’t want to get blocked by Instagram. Control all the action and try not to exceed the limits.


Having a boosted Instagram account is now getting more and more difficult. Suppose you want to keep your account safe. It would help if you avoided any actions that are against the Instagram terms and conditions.

Social Media Image and Video Size

Social network platforms are forever changing the picture sizes and formats, and it’s necessary to keep up to ensure your brand, and personal profiles look professional and present the best first impression for you and your business.

We have put together this 2020 Social Media Image Dimensions Guide which describes all the current picture dimensions and details for each social network platform, along with the photo types to use.

Every popular social media platform is listed on here to ensure you are up-to-date with their optimization.

Best photo and video editing apps

If you have multiple social media, and you are active on all of them, or even you are running your online store on social channels, no need to memorize the size of all social media photo and videos. You can use the existing editing apps, and use the ready template there. All you do is uploading the content there, and export the photo or videos. Here is the list of the best photo and video editing apps that content the dimension and size of social media content.

  1. PicsArt
  2. Snapseed
  3. Visual supply company
  4. Facetune
  5. Camera +
  6. Pixlr

You can install and open the apps on your phone. Upload the photo by tap the creation icon o each app, and in the edit section choose the desired media. or directly choose the social media templates available on the apps.

Fix can’t change the avatar on social media

One of the reasons that you are getting error on social media while changing the profile picture could be because of the dimensions or size of the profile picture. So, to fix the problem:

  1. Check the network connection
  2. Switch on and off the network and try again
  3. Switch between Wi-Fi and mobile data and try again
  4. Check the dimension from this blog and change the size or dimension using editing appas or Photoshop software if you have

Snapchat dimensions

  • Snapchat photo dimensions

Snapchat automatically using 18:9 aspect ratio camera. Snapchat image ad dimensions are 1080 x 1920 with the aspect ratio: 9:16. The maximum file size on snapchat is 5 MB and the file types should be JPG or PNG.

  • Snapchat video Sizes

Snapchat 10 sec video ads: Recommended size: 1080 by 1920 pixels (9:16 aspect ratio). The maximum ad length is 180 seconds with the size of 1 GB. Recommended formats is MP4 or MOV.

  • Snapchat Geofilter

Image Size: 1080 x 1920, the Aspect Ratio: 6:13 and Maximum File Size: 250 KB. File Type: Transparent PNG.

Tips: these ads show up in discovery, live stories or after someone’s story, and can link to an article or app installation. Remember to avoid including logos or any other essential elements at the top or bottom 15 percent of the video to prevent them from getting cut off.

  • Snapchat long-form video ads dimensions

Recommended size: 1080 by 1920 pixels (9:16 or 16:9 aspect ratio)

Tips: long-form videos should contain “live or motion graphic video”. Although horizontal videos are allowed, Snapchat strongly suggests using verticals only.


sharing high-quality photos on Facebook convinces your audience that your brand is authentic, reputable, and detailed (no matter how small).

·       Facebook Photo Dimensions

Facebook wants to provide for positive user experience and prevent brands from being spammy or overly promotional, so they check to notice how much text is emphasized in each picture.

·       Facebook Profile and Cover Picture Sizes

Most brands use this section for their logo rather than a personal photo. However, if your brand is run by you and only you, using a picture of yourself would not be a bad idea.

·       Facebook Shared Link Image Sizes

If you are sharing a link to your brands’ Facebook Page, there are a few more factors to consider and formats to choose from. When you paste a link into your status, depending on the dimension of the pictures on the web page, you will be advised to include a carousel of up to 10 pictures. You can also share the link without using the picture — which can come in handy if you’d prefer to upload a new photo to share with the link instead.

·       All Facebook picture Sizes


·       Twitter photo Sizes

Twitter is known for its real-time social buzz and is also a top-rated customer service and experience tool for brands.

·       Twitter Profile and Cover Picture Sizes

Your profile picture will be visible on your Twitter profile, in your news feed, and near a link in the “Who to follow” box. Most brands use this as a spot for their logo because it is seen practically everywhere: when you tweet, when others retweet your tweets, when their retweet gets retweeted, and so on.

Your cover picture, however, is only observed when a user clicks to your Twitter profile – but that doesn’t mean it’s not essential! It’s a large Image across the top of your profile, so you want it to be high quality and represent your business.

Twitter recommends that you upload your cover picture dimensions at 1500 x 500 pixels, but because the cover pictures are responsive, yours may look larger or smaller depending on the size of your screen or browser.

·        Twitter Timeline Picture Size

Twitter has a limit of 280 characters, but you can use visuals to represent your business and share your content.

Attaching a picture to your tweet used to take away 23 characters, but in 2016 Twitter stated that links and media attachments such as photos, GIFs, videos, and polls would no longer count as part of the character limit. This is excellent for brands because tweets with pictures are more likely to be retweeted than those with just text.

·        All Twitter Photo Sizes


Google Posts let you share events, updates, blog posts, and business news directly to the Google search page.  Posts provide for a visual and unique way to catch the attention of people searching for your brand. They only stay active for a week, so you should update your Google Posts frequently.

You can get started with Google Posts straight within the Google My Business interface. Make sure to use captivating pictures and headlines that grab attention.

·        Google Posts Picture Size

·       G+ Image Sizes

Google+ endured a substantial redesign, giving many brands and everyday users hope for the social network’s future. When a user performs a Google search for your business, elements of your Google+ profile, such as your location and reports, will be listed, as well as links to recent posts on G+. So while Google+ may not be the top social media platform, it absolutely shouldn’t be ignored.

·       G+ Profile and Cover Photo Sizes

Your G+ profile may show up in search results so you should make sure that your profile picture is high quality.  Even though you upload your profile picture as a square, it will display as a circle on your page.

Regarding your G+ cover picture, it’s the largest photo at the top of your profile, so you will want clear and creative visuals to portray your business.

·       G+ Shared Picture Sizes

While sharing pictures on Google+, you have the opportunity to share publicly, within a Collection, in a Community, with a Circle, or with a person. Collections are similar to Pinterest boards where you can collect and organize pictures or links about a specific topic. It helps keep your posts organized and lets people choose which Collections they want to follow based on their interest.

·        All Google+ picture Sizes


·       Pinterest Photo Sizes

Pinterest is also a great search engine, with 72% of users having purchased or considered purchasing something they found on the platform.

·        Pinterest Profile Picture Size

Pinterest is one of the few platforms that doesn’t require a cover picture, so the representation of your brand leans on the shoulders of your profile picture. Similar to G+, Pinterest’s profile photo uploads as a square, but displays as a circle at the top of your Pinterest profile.

·        Pinterest Board Display Size

The first thing people see when they visit your Pinterest profile is your board collections. Name your boards correctly and include a relevant cover picture for each of them. You don’t want empty boards, but you don’t want plenty of boards with no purpose, either.

·        All Pinterest Picture Sizes


·       LinkedIn photo Sizes

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for networking with other professionals and is also a resource for brands to connect with other companies, potential employees, and industry leaders. You can choose between a personal profile and business page.

·       LinkedIn Personal Profile and Background Picture Size

You must have a decent, professional picture of yourself for your personal LinkedIn profile.

On LinkedIn, the background picture replaces the “cover Image” at the top of your profile page. As a rectangular shape, it can be challenging to find imagery that fits the space properly – that’s where designing your own visuals comes in handy.

·       LinkedIn Brand Logo Size

The standard logo for a business account is a small square at the top of the profile page that is shown next to your brand’s name.

The square logo is what people observe when they search for your brand or look at your posts in their news feed.

·        LinkedIn Company Cover picture Size

Instead of a background, you can have a cover picture on a business page that spreads across your profile underneath your logo and business name.

·       All LinkedIn Picture Sizes


·       Instagram Photo Sizes

Instagram is all about visuals, which should make the importance of high-quality pictures more obvious for this social network platform.

·       Instagram Profile Picture Size

As with other social platforms, the profile photo is a circle that displays next to your posts and at the top of your profile page. For companies, it’s a great idea to use their logo here, so all of their pictures are associated with their brand.

As for 2016, Instagram updated its profile, feed, and hashtag pages with a smooth, minimal design, so there is no longer a cover Image.

Instagram also lets you upload portrait and landscape-oriented photos and videos. So, to ensure pictures look sharp across all devices with high-resolution displays, Instagram rolled out support for pictures at a higher resolution up to a 1080-pixel width.

·        All Instagram Photo Sizes


·       Tumblr Photo Sizes

·       Tumblr Avatar (Profile Picture)

This Picture will show up as a small square next to your posts in your followers’ feeds and is embedded with your username in posts.

Remember your header image won’t show up on your page unless you add it to your theme. Your avatar may also not be featured on your theme but will show up as your Tumblr’s favicon on browser tabs.


·       YouTube Photo Sizes

YouTube is a video-sharing network that is reached by users with different devices, such as tablets, phones, desktops, and televisions, so it’s necessary to have imagery that displays correctly across devices.

·        YouTube Channel Icon

A small square profile picture overlays the top left corner of your YouTube page. As crucial as profile and cover pictures are to representing your business, on YouTube, many people will see one of your videos before them.

·       All YouTube Photo Sizes

All in all

Using the available tips and tricks on the internet you can change or upload the photos on your social networks without any problems. You can also read the related blogs to learn more about boosting your accounts, and performing better.

4 practical ways To Make Money On Twitter

When you search for “how to make money online” in Google, several results come up. You may get confused since there is a broad range of ideas and tips on how to earn money in online environments. Let’s narrow it down to Twitter as a money-making platform.

Twitter is a popular social networking platform used by businesses and individuals to send short messages to their followers. Before starting to monetize your Twitter account, check if your business or field of activity is a candidate for this platform. Then begin your job by having an appealing bio description, profile photo, well-defined niche or niches, and a large follower count just like other social networks. Engagement on your tweets is also very important because you are more likely to sell your items or services or receive advertisement requests from businesses or brands if you have consistent likes, comments, retweets, and, in short, a quality presence.

Can you make money off Twitter?

Yes, you can make money on tweeter if you a lot of followers. The more you have fans, the more you can earn money. However, it is said that to make money on social media, you should have more than 10K followers. But if you don’t have, you still can start from a few followers.

How much does twitter pay celebrities? It depends on the account and the number of followers. Twitter influencers can earn money up to S10,000, per tweet. For example, Frankie Muniz, by the handle of @frankiemuniz, who has more than 175K followers, earn about 13,000 per tweet.

Afterward, you can start your money-making journey on Twitter by taking smart steps gradually. Your strategy depends on whether you want to sell your own products or services or be an affiliate marketer or use your account as a traffic generator to your main website. See the below overview to figure out what you need to do.

  • Sell your products or services

Making a website was a challenge previously, but now, you can create your online brochure using iLink iStore. So, if you can prepare your products, make an online brochure, and share it on Twitter. When users are visiting your website, they will click on the link, and they may become your potential customers.

All you need to do is going to the iLink website, sign up, and add your products. Then, copy the URL and paste in the twitter website section.

To add your online store on Twitter:

  • Go to iLink
  • Follow the instruction to sign up
  • Select Create an online store, or I have products
  • Follow the on-screen instruction
  • From the dashboard add your products using pictures and details 
  • Copy the unique URL and paste in the Twitter bio

You can make self-promotional tweets to encourage potential customers to buy from you and increase your visibility day by day. But do not forget to include other types of tweets from time to time to humanize your profile and avoid driving your followers away. Post tweets that aim to encourage, entertain or inspire your audience from time to time in order to keep them interested and give them a reason to listen. Make sure your timeline conveys your business and product expertise while still being helpful to your followers.

As an example, I can mention some people who use their Twitter account to get more bids for their handmade stuff available on eBay and Etsy. They broadcast their product by making use of the relevant link along with best-suited hashtags and a short description of the craft in a tweet to direct their fan to the page on eBay and Etsy and generate more leads.

This picture was taken from Lucy Bearne Twitter’s account (

Another example is when someone owns a website, offers a service or product and uses Twitter as a traffic generation tool. The link can be used both in Twitter bio and in tweets. Given Twitter’s high domain authority, every click on their website link contributes to the higher rank in Google’s search results page. What is more, they increase the chances of making sales and finding more prospects.

It is also to your advantage to ask influencers who are interested or expert in your field of activity to put your name out there and so maximize your online reach.

  • Make money with affiliate marketing

You should put a lot of time and effort if you aspire to be a successful affiliate marketer. It can be very profitable if you choose the right niche and have already reached a good engagement on your account.

In case you don’t know what affiliate marketing is, I can explain it to you in simple terms. It is sharing the link of a particular product or service of a certain vendor that fits your niche and get a part of the revenue generated if someone clicks on the link and purchase that product or service. This link is specific to you only and easily trackable.

This image was taken from a blog on which explains types of affiliate marketing.

To turn from a newbie to a successful affiliate marketer, put a lot of time into learning how to master online marketing, release effective campaigns, and organize your performance. The Internet abounds with information on the essentials. Be careful not to stuff affiliate links into your Twitter profile because you may get flagged or suspended. You can use tools including M studio to schedule your tweets and save time. 

  • Make money with Twitter Ads

You are able to monetize your tweets or videos by getting paid when ads are shown in them. Media studio enables you to upload your contents in it, make a library, add different elements such as thumbnail and links to improve them and post them on Twitter. Just log in, check your eligibility and select what kind of ads you want to be shown in your contents. It doesn’t matter if you have a personal or business account.

This infographic was taken from an article on which explains the reasons for using Twitter Ads.
  • Use Platforms that help you make money on Twitter

If you are looking for advertisers who will pay you for endorsing them on Twitter, some websites such as the following have already done it for you.

  • Sponsored Tweets

Sponsored Tweets is a well-known Twitter advertising platform providing you with a large number of available ads. You can use it only if your account is more than 60 days old and you have at least 50 followers and 100 tweets. You as a tweeter can set your price as you want, participate in a competition to attract your desired advertisers and earn money if you win.

  • Adly also pays you if you send out tweets on behalf of brands. Advertise will see your profile and they may choose you to publicize a particular campaign and pay you if you agree to tweet it out based on a pre-determined schedule. You need to showcase your interests to attract brands that you love.

  • PaidPerTweet

PaidPerTweet is another tool that connects you with lots of different advertisers that will pay you to spread the word on their business on Twitter. You should create a profile and wait for their offers.

Other similar tools and websites are TwitPub, PayWithaTweet, PayDotCom. Let us know in comments if you know any other platform.

Wrap it up

With regards to the above-mentioned ways on how to make money on Twitter, keep in mind that you might not get the desired results in a few months. Do not give up, always appreciate your efforts and celebrate small wins. Besides, do not rely exclusively on Twitter. Although Twitter is an amazing platform to make money, it is not the only one. Check if other social media platforms including Instagram or Facebook can also work for you.

How to become verified on Instagram?

It’s finally happening! It is no more waiting for Instagram to bless you with the blue badge. No more market for buying verification (Yes, people did that!). Now, everyone can apply for verification on Instagram. It will shortly be available to all, whether they are using a personal or business Instagram account. Of course, it doesn’t mean that we will all be verified, though. As you can see in the screenshot below, this process is intended to verify accounts for a “notable public figure, celebrities, global brands or entities it represents.”

While we all are valued, those with the most followers and greatest engagement rates do have the most to lose, so we should expect there to be some threshold of followers or engagement required to be accepted. The rest of us must keep on building our reach and followers until we qualify as well!

There is no harm in trying, and you can gain a lot if you get approved.

Benefits of being verified on Instagram

Does the verified blue badge really mean anything? It does! To be verified, you should upload some personal information which identifies you as a REAL person. Additionally, you get some cool perks which can make an actual difference in your Instagram marketing.

Here are some of the benefits of having blue badge and get verified on Instagram:

  • You would have early access to the new Instagram features
  • You can build trust
  • Prevent impersonation
  • Get more followers
  • Get more engagement
  • Make more money (since you would get more fans)
  • You can boost your business
  • You can increase the brand awareness
  • You can add link in Instagram story (swipe up)
  • Have opportunities to get more shares and mention by other verified accounts

If you are the least bit Insta-famous, you’ve likely been impersonated on the platform at least once. While you and your friends can report these issues, it’s frustrating, feels like a waste of time, and can make you suspicious of even authentic accounts. Having that blue badge is a reassurance to your visitors and followers that you are who you say you are. And trust is extremely important on social!

Verified accounts were the first ones who could link their Instagram stories to their blog posts, product listings, landing pages – just about anything! Now that you don’t necessarily need to have massive followers to get verified, we can all expect to be able to get a whole lot more traffic from Instagram!

Just remember to use a trackable link so you can find out where those clicks are coming from (you can get some help from iLink)

How to get verified on Instagram?

Before applying for blue badge, there are some prerequisites that you should meet. These are the number of followers, and some documents.

How many followers needed to get verified on Instagram

It has said that there should be at least 10K followers to get blue badge on Instagram. though, there is no official statement on Instagram website to confirm this. This is same for using web link on Instagram stories. Based on experience, there should be at least 10K followers to get the options when you sharing on stories. This is while, Instagram has written nowhere that there should be a certain number of followers to use links in stories.

What documents do I need to get Instagram verification?

If you applying for your personal account, you should have a proof of your identity. This can be:

  • Your driver’s license (with name and D.O.B)
  • Your passport (with name and D.O.B)
  • Your national ID card (with name and D.O.B)

But if you are applying for your business you should add your buisness’ documents too, such as:

  • Business tax filling
  • Business utility bill
  • Article of incorporation

It’s easy, just follow these steps:

1-Go to your Instagram profile

2-Tap on the menu

3-Tap on the “settings” gear

4-Find and Tap on “request verification.”

5-Enter your full personal name, notice the disclaimer: ”Submitting a request for verification does not guarantee that your account will be verified.”

6-Upload a picture of your ID. This could be:

  • Your driver’s license (with name and D.O.B)
  • Your passport (with name and D.O.B)
  • Your national ID card (with name and D.O.B)
  • Business tax filling
  • Business utility bill
  • Article of incorporation

And voila! Your all done. Instagram will let you know once they have reviewed your request. The only thing you need to do is chilling and drinking coffee until they give you an answer!

Will you request verification? Have you been verified on Instagram? Let us know in the comments below guys!

Fix can’t follow people on Instagram

Instagram, as the second-largest social network, after Facebook is getting increasingly complicated. Billion on Instagram accounts removed recently, due to being a fake one. Actions on Instagram are also limited, and Instagram will not let the user do anything unless they wait for it sometimes.

Instagram actions such as like, follow, unfollow, comment, post sometimes become restricted. However, many of the following issues are not related to Instagram and can be fixed. If you are using Instagram for personal purposes, and you are going to get more followers to boost your business, and you are facing the issue, read this blog to fix it.

The Instagram algorithm is getting more complicated toward a better and more positive community. In general, Instagram has many limitations, including the restriction in the bio, and information to actions. For example, you are not allowed to use more than one link in bio, and you should use iLink to ass more than one link to your bio. Also, you can use iShop to get more options if you are running an Instagram shop.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for a short way, you can use an Instagram bot to do the Instagram actions without any issues automatically.

Fix can’t follow people on Instagram

To fix the issue, you should first check if your actions are blocked by Instagram or not because the status of following people depends if you are action blocked or not.

Are you action blocked?

If you see a message like a bellow, it means that you temporarily cannot follow people on Instagram, and you should wait. The time depends on Instagram. They usually give a period of one or two weeks to remove the blocked actions. Sometimes, Instagram will let you know in the pop up until when you are activity blocked. If they have not mentioned, then you can wait a couple of days.

Fix can’t follow people on Instagram if I’m NOT action blocked

If you are not action blocked, you can fix the issue by trying the mentioned methods. Try to do them, one by one, if you still could not fix it, you can report the problem to Instagram, and comment bellows the detail. We would help you.

1.Use another phone

You should first find out whether the issues are related to your account or something about your device. The best way is to login from another device and try again.

2. Reset the network

You can fix some of the Instagram issues by resetting the network setting. You can also try switching your phone on and off, and turning off and on the mobile data.

3. Switch to Wi-Fi

If you are using mobile data, you can try with a Wi-Fi network. In some cases, it fixes the Instagram issues.

4. Update the app

If you don’t have the latest version on Instagram, you can go to your app store or google play store and get the latest version. Sometimes, Instagram bugs are fixed in the newest version.

5. Reinstall the app

You can get the newest version on Instagram, with clear data by deleting the app and installing it again. It might work for you.

6. Clear caches

On any devices (iOS or Android), you can clear the cache through the Setting>Storage.

7. Wait for sometime

if this is a bug from Instagram, then you should sometimes wait (few hours, or days) to see if the problem is fixed or not. Meanwhile, you can report the issue to Instagram.

8. Contact Instagram support

You can report any issue or if something is not working on Instagram within the app. To say the issue to Instagram:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile phone
  2. Login to your account by entering the username and password
  3. Go to your profile page by tapping the small profile picture on the right side of the screen
  4. You should see the three-line icon on the top right (this is same for all devices)
  5. Tap setting
  6. Go to the Help section
  7. Report a problem
  8. Something is not working (write the detail in the box)
  9. Submit the report


If you could not fix the issue of following people on Instagram, comment the detail below. Our experts would consider and reply in the earliest time.

Fix S9 Facebook “can’t connect. this website can’t be loaded…” Error

There seems to be an expanding number of Android users reporting the same problems lately — Facebook and its related platforms seem to be facing issues. The reported queries appear to be uncommon and happens all over so there may be a general problem with Facebook’s network. The affected apps include Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook app and Facebook app browser.

How to fix “Facebook can’t connect” error?

In this article, we discuss the on-going bugs with Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Facebook app browser on the GalaxyS9. These solutions can be applied to all Samsung smartphones though, so even if you don’t have an S9 or S9 Plus, you still can follow the steps below.

1- Galaxy S9 Plus Bixby not working

Issue: Bixby doesn’t work at all. It has not worked since I unboxed my new S9 Plus. I have tried every possible option such as I have reset my phone, factory resetting my device, clearing the cache, force stopping the app, entering safe mode, etc. All to no avail. The dedicated button doesn’t work at all. I can access Bixby home by swiping the screen but once I’m there nothing works correctly. I can’t set reminders, use Bixby’s voice, or view tutorials.

Solution: There are a lot of things you can do about Android bugs like this. If Bixby, a core feature for a high-end new Galaxy device, has not worked after unboxing, then you must have received a lemon. This doesn’t happen frequently. This is an exceptional case and may be associated with bad hardware. Since a factory reset wouldn’t make a difference at all, we wonder if there’s anything that you can do on your side to fix it. We recommend that you contact Samsung so you can ask for a replacement device.

2- “Can’t connect. This website can’t be loaded….” error

Issue: Whenever I open an article on Facebook to read, I get this error several times “can’t connect. This website can’t be loaded. Please check the address and your network, wifi, or data connection and try again.”

This happens even when my wifi is excellent. If I click “try again, ”I can generally read for another minute before it shows up again. I am becoming very frustrated. Also, Instagram crashes every time I open it.

Solution: Many Facebook users have reported the same issue for the past few days. We also felt it ourselves, so it’s most presumably something on Facebook’s end. As of this review, we can confirm that the problem has disappeared on our end. If it continues to happen on your device, these are some things you can try:

  • Update your Facebook app

Whenever you assume that there’s an app-specific problem occurring, the first thing you need to do is to update the app. make sure to check the Google Play Store app and install Facebook updates on it. If there’s no update available for Facebook, follow the solutions below.

  • Clear Facebook cache and Data

Another useful app troubleshooting is to clear its cache. If you haven’t examined it yet, here’s how to do it:

  1. Open settings
  2. Tap apps
  3. Tap on more settings at the top right
  4. Select “show system apps.”
  5. Tap on Facebook
  6. Tap storage
  7. Tap clear data/cache
  8. Restart your device and check the issue.
  9. Reinstall your Facebook

Should clearing the app’s cache and data won’t help, try to remove Facebook from the system, restart your device, and re-install. This usually works for most app-specific problems.

  • Report the bug to Facebook

Should all the about methods won’t work, the issue is probably due to a coding- or server-side problem. Report the case to Facebook using the app’s reporting tool below Settings. If many people are experiencing the matter, Facebook will take notice of the issue and release a patch to fix it.

How to report “Facebook can’t connect”?

When something is not working, your reports help Facebook fix the issue faster. adding the details like screenshots and detailed descriptions would help them too. They welcome the reports from users when Facebook keeps crashing or not working properly. So, you better report the issue.

To report something is not working on Facebook:

As you might new, a few month ago, Facebook moved to the new design (which was optional). You can still switch between new and old Facebook design.

On the old Facebook design

The process of reporting something on Facebook old design is a bit different.

  1. Go to on a browser on your PC
  2. Login to your account
  3. Go to home page
  4. You should see a question mark icon on the top right of the screen
  5. Click on the question mark icon
  6. Find report a problem
  7. Follow the on-screen instruction given to you

On the newly designed Facebook

  1. Open the Facebook on PC or your laptop
  2. Click the triangular icon on top right of the screen
  3. Find the Help & support
  4. Go to report a problem
  5. Follow the given instruction on the screen


If you face any problems on social media like Instagram, you can use the common methods to fix the issues such as update the app, restart your internet network, reinstall the app, change the browser. If you could not fix it, you should report the problem to Facebook as it is given above. You can share your thought in the comment.

How to Report Impersonation on Social Media Platforms? (update)

Despite all the advances made towards security in the cyber universe, no one is entirely protected against online scams, one of the most disturbing of which is impersonation on social media. Impersonation is when someone pretends to be someone else and misuse their name and reputation.

Although the aim of online impersonation is not always making mischief, it is quite annoying to see someone pretending to be you. An online imposter may set up a fake social media profile that impersonates another user to cause trouble, mock and make fun of the impersonated user or just to enjoy their reputation. To make social media a safer place, you need to detect impersonation and know how to deal with it.

Is it illegal to impersonate someone on Instagram?

Yes, impersonating a celebrity or any brand is against the law, and you can report this to Instagram. Impersonation is one of the items available on the Instagram report. You can also report the impersonation of your friends or someone you know.

Here is the summary of the Instagram community guideline:

  • Share only photos and videos that you’ve taken or had the right to share.
  • Post photos and videos that are appropriate for a diverse audience.
  • Foster meaningful and genuine interactions.
  • Follow the law.
  • Respect other members of the Instagram community.
  • Maintain our supportive environment by not glorifying self-injury.
  • Be thoughtful when posting newsworthy events.

As Instagram state on their community guideline:

“You don’t have to use your real name on Instagram, but we do require Instagram users to provide us with accurate and up to date information. Don’t impersonate others and don’t create accounts to violate our guidelines or mislead others.”

What happens if someone reports you on Instagram?

it depends on what they have reported. The Instagram team would consider all the reports, and if you have done anything against Instagram terms of conditions, they suspend your account or delete it forever. For example, child abuse is one of the Instagram rules that would lead to the deletion of any Instagram accounts, with any number of followers.

If we report someone on Instagram will they know

No. no one would realize if you report them on Instagram, unless the account gets suspended, or deleted by Instagram. At that time, Instagram won’t let them have reported their account. They only can see that their account has been deleted because of violating Instagram terms of service.

How to see reported posts on Instagram?

you can see your reported posts and the results directly from your Instagram app. To see the reported posts:

  • Open the Instagram app
  • Login to your account
  • Go to your profile on Instagram by tapping the profile picture on the bottom of the page
  • Tap setting
  • Tap help
  • Tap support requests

You cannot undo a report on Instagram.

How many reports to delete Instagram account?

A few reports can also lead to suspension of Instagram account if it is certainly do something against Instagram guidelines.

Does reporting a picture on Instagram delete it

yes, but it depends on the status of the picture. If it is spammy and against the Instagram guidelines, they would delete the picture. You can see the results of reporting the content on the Instagram app from Setting>Help>Support requests. (picture above).

How to report impersonation on social media?

Impersonation is a crime. No matter why an imposter has created a fake social media account under your name, this person must be reported and removed from the platform. Below is how to report impersonation on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, and TikTok.

1- Report Facebook Impersonation

In the case of witnessing impersonation on Facebook, go to “Report an Imposter Account” page and report the fake Facebook account, and choose between these options:

  • Someone is using my email address on their account
  • Someone created an account for my business or organization
  • Someone created an account pretending to be me or a friend

Facebook will help you resolve the problem, and if necessary, they will delete or ban the fake account.

2- Report Instagram Impersonation

Impersonation on Instagram is more prevalent compared to other social media. In case of coming across an imposter on Instagram, report the account via this form in Instagram support.

You will be required to pick one of the following:

  • Someone created an account for my business or organization
  • Someone created an account pretending to be me or a friend
  • Someone created an account pretending to be someone I represent (ex: my child)
  • I can’t log into my old account

3- Report Twitter Impersonation

To report an account on Twitter, go to that account’s page. There, click the “…” button and choose “Report @username.”

A list of options will show up among which there is “They’re pretending to be me or someone else”:

4- Report LinkedIn Impersonation

Similar to Twitter, to report an account on LinkedIn, go to the targeted profile. In their page click on the “More” option, then “Report/Block,” and finally “Report this profile.”

What pops up next is a list of reasons you want to report the LinkedIn profile. Pick “I think this person is impersonating someone” and hit “Submit.”

5- Report YouTube Impersonation

You can report impersonation on YouTube right from the platform. Go to the intended channel and click on “About.” Then find the flag icon and click it. Choose “Report User”, pick a reason, and hit “report.”

6- Report Pinterest Impersonation

Pinterest doesn’t provide a ready form to users for reporting an online scam. Instead, they want you to communicate the problem and explain the situation in which you are experiencing inconvenience.

In their report impersonation page, they have clarified what needs be done in case a Pinterest user is suspicious of impersonating another person than they really are.

7- Report TikTok Impersonation

TikTok has a built-in reporting process that is very convenient. To report a fake account on TikTok, go to the intended user profile and do as displayed below:

How to deal with impersonation on social media?

I was explained how to report an imposter on social media who tries to impersonate you. But reporting isn’t enough to safeguard a social media account and reputation from online criminal. Here is what needs to be carried out in case of such an online scam.

Tell friends and followers

It takes some time until the targeted social media platform takes some action and get you rid of the imposter account. Meanwhile, it is wise to publish a post or send messages to inform others about the presence of a fake account under your name. Ask friends and followers to block the imposter account and as this person might have some dangerous or mischievous intentions in mind, want your friends never reply to his/her messages and requests.

Moreover, tell everybody if they received a new follow/connect request from an account under your name, never apply before asking directly from you if the request is yours or not.

Make your page private

Whatever the goal be, an impersonator is going to check on your social media page and tries to keep themselves updated on the events related to you. If you have public accounts on social media, make them private one by one until everything is back to normal.

The impersonator might head to your pages and steal your newer posts to look even more like you. This will also help the social media platforms to better decide who is real, between you and the scammer.

Over to you

A person who commits impersonation on social media cannot be a Dr. Who, intelligent and dangerous as a hacker and cracker might be. They most likely have under-standard IQ gain to commit such a childish and downgraded crime. So don’t worry much and try to do whatever it takes to give them their lesson. Getting reported and being removed from social media and deprived of all its benefits and funs is enough lesson for them.