What Is “Link Not Allowed” Error On Instagram?

How to Fix “Link Not Allowed” Error on Instagram?

Instagram has set some boundaries in using the clickable link in bio to protect its users, especially teens, and prevent spams. Be more cautious when you want to use this single URL on Instagram to draw benefits and try not to get yourself blocked.

What Is “Instagram Link Not Allowed” Error?

The persistence of social media in this digital world is unquestionable; it’s all about staying in touch with friends and family and, of course, about sharing information effortlessly. So why not share links on it to drive traffic and increase our visibility to the whole world?

Instagram is one of the popular social networks in which you can share links yet with some limitations and under certain conditions. That is to say, you can only put a single clickable URL in your bio and are not allowed to have it in your post captions. It’s also possible to share an Instagram link in your stories only if you have a business account and more than 10,000 followers. But that’s not all you need to know about using Instagram links in this platform. Instagram has set some boundaries in this regard to protect its users, especially teens, and prevent spams.

Some of these restrictions are summarized as below:

· Shortened links such as bitly are not usually allowed because it’s unclear what you’re linking to.

· Links to adult websites or explicit content are not allowed.

· A certain link which is appearing on several accounts within a short period is not permitted.

· Links encouraging others to follow you on another service are not approved on Instagram

· Fake URLs may be blocked.

· URLs containing elements or misspellings of Instagram might get blocked.

· Links to your Snapchat or Telegram are not supported.

· Links to Etsy shops in any format are not allowed.

· Sometimes, Instagram doesn’t let you put a certain link just because of your WiFi connection!

· Affiliate links may be blocked.

· Your account may be reported or blocked if you share the links of other people’s contents without permission.

You will get below error message if you do one of the above:

Your account may be frozen; as a result, meaning you cannot get into it. In this case, contact Instagram support or wait a few days, hoping for the return of your account. But if none of these worked, you have no choice but to remove your account and to create a new one.

However, if your account is still available, I can provide you some ways to fix the error.

How to fix “Instagram link not allowed”?

There are several things you can do to fix this error, depending on the root cause of the problem. First, check your link for typos and then try the following solutions. I hope they will work for you.

·      Use iLink to convert multiple Instagram links into one

The easiest way to tackle this problem is to merge all your links, even those considered spammy by Instagram, and use one single iLink URL in your bio. 

·      Change your IP address

If the problem is with your network, you can solve it by changing the IP address. Don’t know if you knew it already or not, but restarting your WiFi will assign a new IP address to your device.

·      Restart or turn off your mobile phone

It will not harm if you turn off your cellular phone or put it in airplane mode for about 2-3 minutes as a possible solution to this error.

·      Change Router Configuration

Go to the homepage of your router and log in. Click on Network Connection in Select My Network tab. Then, select Broadband (Ethernet) under Rule Name and go to settings. Click on Renew > Release > Apply.

·      Debug your blog

Debug your web page by typing it in the box at Facebook debugger and running the URL through it before posting.

Multiple Instagram link in bio 

Now, many Instagram users might know that Inserting any links in the Instagram bio is easy. All you need is going to your Instagram profile, and using the “Edit Profile” section, paste the link in the website section. 

However, users may face issues regarding the Instagram link in bio, such as having multiple Instagram links. Instagram does not allow users to have multiple links in bio, though it is possible using iLink. 

How iLink helps to insert multiple Instagram links in bio?

You can create a landing page with all links and URLs you have. Then insert the iLink URL in your Instagram bio. 

To use this trick: 

  • Go to iLink and sign up. 
  • Follow the on-screen instruction to set up your account. 
  • Using the “add link” button insert your links 
  • Check the preview 
  • When you’re done, copy your unique iLink URL on the top left 
  • Paste the URL in Instagram bio using “Edit Profile.” 

Wrap it up

Instagram has its policies and rules, just like any other social media platform. These rules are there to keep the community clean and protect its members against spams and other potential risks. Be more cautious when you want to use that one Instagram link in bio to draw benefits and try not to get yourself blocked.

How to put multiple links in the Instagram bio?

Instagram is an exciting social network because it avoids many social media conventions and yet is pretty successful. Where most social media platforms support link in bio and curated content sharing, Instagram doesn’t allow multiple links in bio and caption to be clickable, though post them if you like, or you are able to put one in Instagram bio only.

The main focus of Instagram is to keep people on their platform only, not sending them away around the internet. That’s why they are providing a place to add external link in bio or posts.

Add more than one link to Instagram bio 

There’s only one section on a profile (Instagram website section in bio) where the link can be clickable. That link is only available link slot in the Instagram bio. So, there is a choice to make. Would you link to the homepage? Or to a landing page? Would you use an affiliate link to an online shop?

What if I told you that there was a way you could place more than one link in bio Instagram? But the truth is, it is a bit of a workaround. Add multiple clickable links to Instagram bio using tools. It’s not against any terms of use or rules of Instagram, so you won’t get shadowbanned for using this system at all.

iLink is a free platform to convert the multiple links into one short link and use it on the Instagram bio or anywhere needed.

By using iLink, no need to choose between the various links; share them all!

Publish this web page and then put its link in bio Instagram. Now visitors who click or tap it will be directed to link page, from which they can go through whatever content looks interesting.

The service is easy to use and super-fast, and best of all, free!

To add multiple links in bio Instagram:

· Go to il.ink and click Register

· Enter a unique username.

· Sign up and Type in a Name

· Skip the rest and go to Dashboard

· Click on Add New Button

· Paste any URLs

· Copy the unique iLink URL on the top left

· Open Instagram, and click on the Edit profile 

· Paste the URL in the Instagram website section and submit

· Now, users who click on the website will go to the landing page you made. Add as many links as required.

You should also keep up with maintenance for the page. Change calls to action, Test links, etc.

Follow the steps in the pictures below: 

How does adding multiple links on Instagram work?

iLink profile includes clickable buttons with links to online offers. So if you add its link to an Instagram bio, followers will observe an excellent overview of all of the multiple pages you need to share with them.

Customize the design and color of the buttons on the setting menu; also, use the click stats to find out which one of the links is more popular.

This is a personalized landing page for traffic coming from Instagram. Manage it like a landing page, and put it through all the difficulties of landing page optimization that apply.

The track hits to find out which links are clicked and which aren’t, remove the unpopular ones, add new ones.

How to put a YouTube link in Instagram bio?

You may want to add one YouTube link or multiple YouTube videos on your Instagram bio. Both of them are easy. 

To put one YouTube link in Instagram bio: 

  • Go to the YouTube video you are going to add to Instagram 
  • Copy the URL on top in the browser 
  • Open the Instagram app 
  • Go to the profile 
  • Tap on edit profile 
  • Paste the URL in the website section of the Instagram bio 
  • Tap on save 

To add multiple YouTube links in the Instagram bio 

  • Go to iLink and sign up 
  • Go to the dashboard and using add link option paste all YouTube URL on the dashboard 
  • Customize the links as you prefer 
  • Copy the link on the top left of your dashboard 
  • Open the Instagram app and go to your profile 
  • Tap on edit profile 
  • Paste the iLink URL on the website section 
  • Tap on save changes 

Now, your audiences will be able to see all the YouTube links you added using the iLink. 

You can change links at any time using the iLink dashboard. 

Get a single link and insert into business cards, social media accounts, etc. no need to be a technical professional to use multiple clickable links in Instagram bio using iLink. Everyone can use this platform for free!

How to Craft the Best Social Media Content Calendar?

One of the most essential tasks for business teams is social media calendars. They help you plan posts ahead of time and avoid last-minute fire drills to produce content and keep your social media organized. Without them, you are left struggling to keep your social media posting schedule full.

What Is a Social Media Calendar?

Social media calendars are spreadsheets or Apps used to schedule social posts in progress. They’re also used to plan when and which post will be shared, manage campaigns, and track deadlines.

Social media content calendar is especially essential because the time you post on Instagram is essential. Post at the best time on social media or other networks would help the App show your posts more to other users.

The probability of getting more likes and fans on social media is higher when you post frequently.

Different types of social media content calendar

Creating a social media calendar sounds easy enough. Let’s take a look at various formats you can use.

  • Printed calendars:

The old-school way. These can be effective for planning out content themes and making a note of upcoming posts and events which need social media promotion.

  • Spreadsheets:

Shared spreadsheets are manageable and free. But, they don’t support automation as well as dedicated social media calendar App.

Dedicated social media calendar Apps and scheduling tools:
Spreadsheets are a good choice when you’re starting. But when you need more control and automation, a holistic marketing management platform is the best choice.

How to make a social media calendar?

Your company might be new to the idea of setting up a content calendar for social media, or if you want to find out about individual ways of setting one up. Here is an easy four-step process for creating and managing an efficient social media calendar for your business:

1-Figure Out What Content Resonates

Before you start seeking content to share on your social media, you need to find out what your followers actually like. An excellent way to do that is to look at your past social media posts to see which one was most successful.

2-Choose How Often to Post

This depends on different things like the business, your target audience, the campaign, and the social networks you are using. Always keep your audience in mind and make sure you are not bombing them with posts that are unrelated or inappropriate.

Here are some basic standards of how often to post on each social media:

  • Instagram: 1-3 posts per day
  • Facebook: 3-10 posts per week
  • Twitter: up to five posts per day
  • LinkedIn: 2-5 posts per week
  • Google+: 3-10 posts per week
  • Pinterest: 5-10 posts per day

3-Create high-quality Content

Once you have an idea of what kind of content your audience likes and how often you need to post on social, it’s time to find content to share.

your audience will want to know when you have a trade, but they also want to get other types of content from you, such as:

  • related articles, videos, and news stories from your industry
  • User-generated content
  • Personal communications and responses to questions

By testing over time, you can figure out the combination of content that works for you. But the rule of thirds is an excellent place to start. That means:

  • ⅓ of your content should promote your brand or generates leads
  • ⅓ of your content should come from other references that align with your brand
  • ⅓ of your content should engage with followers directly, either by answering inquiries, responding to their comments, or reposting user-generated content.
  • or you can follow the 80/20 rule:
    80 percent effective and exciting content for every 20 percent of content that’s promoting your product.

Planning your social content ensures you are publishing an equal amount of content from each section.

Example of social media content calendar

Hootsuite has a great practices of social media calendar on its blog, in which you can read more about social media calendar of National Geographic, Hootsuite, or DOT.

Who should Use a Social media content Calendar?

Anyone who creates content on social media, whether for a company, media business, or a severe blog, should consider using a calendar:

  • Marketing groups:

Marketing teams often have a lot of process going on, such as social components. You should give all your marketing groups visibility on what’s going out, and when, this way everyone will know what’s going on and when is the deadline.

  • Small brands:
    Staying organized with a calendar makes it much easier to save time and maintain consistency. This is critical for small businesses, where resources are limited.
  • Media companies:
    If you are creating editorial content, it will surely need social media promotion. You can Keep it all together on your social media content calendar.
  • Bloggers:
    If you are a professional blogger, you don’t have time to waste with dysfunctional tools. You can make sure every post gets promoted on your social calendar.


Creating a social media content calendar is easy. All you need to have is the best time to post and the topic of posts. Then you can make the calendar using the Google Spreadsheet.

The History of Social Networking

Communicating with friends and family from long distances has always been a concern for humans. As we are social creatures; therefore, we have always relied on interaction to improve our relationships.

What is social networking?

When it was impossible or inconvenient to have face-to-face discussions, people have dreamed up lots of creative solutions. The origins of social networking are decidedly older than you can imagine. Sites like Facebook are the natural result of several centuries of social network development.

Social networking is the method of increasing the number of one’s social or business contacts by making connections through people, often on social media platforms such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Now, along with social media there are many tools available specially for business to grow their business or even sell online through social media, and networking.

The history of social networking and social media

While social networking has gone on as long as civilizations themselves have subsisted, the exceptional potential of the Web to promote connections has directed to an exponential and continuous development of that phenomenon.

Timeline of social media history

Here is the list of very social media and social networking systems all around the globe. Despite of many people idea, Facebook is not the first social media ever, but it can be counted as a very first popular social networks that reached to millions of users instantly. Advent of social connections back to sending email in 1971 and social media sharing stories and pictures and finding mutual friends back to LinkedIn in 2002. However, LinkedIn was more about connecting the professional users to find jobs.

E-Mail (1971)

The first email was sent within two devices sat right next to each other. They were connected only by the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).

  • ARPANET: was designed by the U.S. Department of Defense and later lead to the evolution of the Internet.
  • “SNDMSG“: was an application which enabled users to write, address, and send a message to the mailbox of the other user. A mailbox was just a file with a specific name. At that time, the sender could only add the data; they could not overwrite or read what was in the mailbox.
  • “CPYNET“: was a file transfer application which composes and reads files on a remote computer. Ray Tomlinson decided to combine these two programs, so the message could drive within the network connection to remote mailboxes in addition to adding messages to limited mailbox files.
  • Ray Tomlinson is the one to decide on the “@” symbol for use in e-mail. He said the content of the first e-mail was something like “QWERTYUIOP.”

BBS (1978)

Bulletin board system (BBS) was a network application devoted to sharing or exchange simple messages on a network. The BBS became the first of online society before the World Wide Web appeared.

USENET (1980)

Usenet was a worldwide spread Internet conversation system. Users read and post messages to categories, identified as newsgroups.

The difference between a BBS and Usenet is the lack of a primary server and dedicated manager. Usenet divided between a massive conglomeration of servers which store and forward messages to one another called news feed.

Friendster (2002)

Friendster became a social gaming site in 2011 and promoted in Southeast Asia, so it is a significant site in that area of the world.

LinkedIn (2002)

LinkedIn which is still working and has millions of users was known for its connection to the professional users or employees. Soon, having a LinkedIn profile become necessary for professional to build their resume and show it up to millions of employers.

Myspace (2003)

Myspace is a social networking platform designed by Specific Media LLC and Justin Timberlake. In 2006, Myspace became the most visited social networking site in the world. In 2008, it was overtaken by Facebook in the number of users.

Facebook (2004)

Facebook launched at Harvard University to connect students. As of 2011, Facebook has more than 800 million users.

Mark Zuckerberg and his college friends organized Facebook. The platform’s membership was limited to Harvard students but extended to other universities in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at many other universities, and finally for anyone aged 13 and over.

Twitter (2006)

Twitter is a social networking site that allows users to send and view text-based posts known as “tweets.” Twitter quickly reached worldwide popularity, with more than 200 million active users as of 2011 producing over 200 million tweets per day.

Instagram (2010)

Instagram is an American photo and video sharing platform which was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in 2010. The first device was iOS on which they lunched Instagram. later, Facebook bought Instagram and it was nominated for teen choice award for choice social network. Instagram now is one of the main platforms of small and medium sized business.

Though, there are some limitations to this app such as not adding more than one link in Instagram bio. Fortunately, adding multiple links is possible with iLink in which you can as many links as you need to any social media bio.

TikTok (2016)

TikTok is basically a Chinese short video sharing platform and social networking by ByteDance. TikTok is one of the most popular apps among young generation which has lots of features that is attractive to create short video.


Most of us now get news from the Internet–especially the younger ones. Social networking has moved from our PCs to our smartphones. Therefore, it has become more ‘intrusive.’ Do we want to know what you had for breakfast at work or your cousin just lost her car keys? We should use them in the right amount.

What Is the Concept of Social Media?

Social media is being used by everyone these days, but there are still many unknown points to social media that confuse some people, from “why people love twitter this much” to “how does copyright law work on the internet.”

Let’s clear out the things you might be wondering about social media.

What is social media?

Social media is a form of interactive media that lets users communicate with each other through posts, videos, blogs, forums, comments, and messages. Social media is the content we create and share.

Now, social media is an inevitable part of everyone ‘s life, and more than 2 billion users all around the world are active on social media like Facebook monthly.

What was the first social media?

Social media, like other media, has its revolution. LinkedIn was one of the very first platforms to share content from many users in one place. However, Facebook is the first social media that was different in many ways and become popular among all age groups very fast. 

Now, you can see different types of social media like video sharing platforms, pictures sharing networks or messaging boards, and even forums can be called social media since people are interacting with each other. 

The concept of social media

The idea of social media has been around for thousands of years, even early caveman wrote on each other’s walls.

However, the Internet has scaled social media to a whole new level. Over 2 billion people use social networks every month, and that number is still increasing by hundreds of people every day!

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and TikTok are among the most popular social networks from all age groups. 

Social networks like TikTok are for creating and sharing short videos that get very popular among young age groups. 

However, another app, like Facebook, Instagram, and even YouTube, provided features for users to create funny and entertaining videos. 


Difference between social media and social networking

Some people think social networking and social media are the same, but this is not true.

Social media are the platforms that we use to share information with others throughout the content, photo, and videos. Social networking is a platform that allows people to connect with others. Social networking and social media can overlap.

What social media is used for?

Social media is now one of the leading platforms of marketing for small and medium-sized businesses. People can even sell online using online store builders and gets lots of customers.

Social media is a must for all types of businesses, celebrities, and influencers.

What is social bookmarking?

Social bookmarking is the act of using websites such as Dig and StumbleUpon (now Mix). With social bookmarking, you can share your bookmarks and resources with anyone. This allows users to get access to more resources and information.

There are some facts about social media that each user should know before being active on these platforms like copyright, content quality, and myths about social networks.

  •    Social media copyright laws

You should not use someone else’s work without their permission, even on social media. You can’t just copy-paste some article from someone and post it on your social media account.

Instagram, for example, has music copyright, and it does not allow you to copy someone else music to your feed or stories. It most probably blocks the content unless you appeal and claim that there is no issue with that.

  •    Social media myths

There are some myths about social media. One of these is that Social media will replace advertising. As we see, in the coming years, the business will spend more on influencer marketing. So, we are facing a new form of advertising which looks like a recommendation by a real person who has lots of fans.


The Internet is making human connections to a whole new level. Social media is one of the channels that the Internet has added to our online world. You can use it to make your life easier.

What are top social media sites for business?

If you have tried social media marketing for your business and you didn’t get the result you expected, it might be because you were using the wrong platform.

There are a lot of social media available these days, and it can be frustrating to work with all of them, you should limit your Online works by only launching social accounts that will benefit your business immediately.

Do you need top social media for your business? 

Actually yes! Any business should have a social presence because there are many benefits to using social media marketing.

  • It gives you a direct way of communication to interact with your future and current
  • You can get natural feedbacks from your clients online.
  • You can bring traffic to your website.
  • It lets you learn more about your audience.
  • Your business will show up in search engines.
  • You will look more modern, current and active.

This doesn’t mean that you have to create a profile on every social media platform out there.you should choose the social media that works the best for your specific business.

So before getting started, you should answer these questions:

  1. Are you a B2C business (business to customer) or a B2B business (business to business)?
  2. Who is your target audience?
  3. What is your primary goal in the business world?
  4. What type of content you typically create?

Top social media sites for business

Before knowing what the best social media sites for business are, you should answer four main questions. Top social media sites are introduced under each category.

1. Are you a B2C business (business to customer) or a B2B business (business to business)?

Top social media sites for B2C business

You should choose a social media that has potentials for attracting new customers and keeping them engaged. The success key of B2C social media marketing is to be consistent and create and share exciting content that involves your audience in some way, like videos or contests, giveaways, Q&A, etc.

It depends on your business and target audience, but the best platforms for B2C are:

  • Facebook

Facebook is an excellent platform for gaining customer interaction. Your audience can like, share, and comment on your posts, and you can share a link back to your website.

You can also create a business page for your brand and ask for some feedback.

Top industries on Facebook: auto, E-commerce, fashion, entertainment, marketing, health and fitness, real state, sports, news, and education.

Average age and gender: from 25-55+, both genders.

  • Instagram

Instagram has the most active users, and they are mostly from teenagers and younger people. So if your target audience is young ones, you should sign up on Instagram and start using it.

Instagram is digestible, visual and needs less writing skills.

You should craft visual posts, stick to a particular color scheme, choose a minimal or luxury theme. It’s up to the brand.

You can share photos from behind the scene of your business, like your office desk or something to make them feel involved in your brand.

You can change account to business account and link it to your other social media like Facebook and Twitter.

You should be creative and generate a specific hashtag for your brand or start a contest to get more engagement on Instagram.

But if you don’t have enough time to be consistent on Instagram you can use Instagram automation tools to get the maximum engagement with the least effort.

There is just one problem with Instagram that you can not share links under your posts. Only one link on bio!

But don’t worry I know a great way to solve this problem too:

You can use link generators like iLink that gives you the opportunity to create a hosting page for all of your links and generate one link to share everywhere. You can convert many of your links into one short link named after your brand and use it on Instagram and other platforms. It’s short so more comfortable to use. And you can create a profile for your brand with profile picture, contact info and all.

Top industries: fashion, health, and fitness, food, arts and crafts, fitness and diet, travel, beauty, E-commerce, photography and event planning.

Average age and gender: 18-35, mostly women/shifting.

  • Pinterest

This platform has less to do with the user base, Pinterest will help your business show more on the google search. This gives you an online presence outside the website.

It is a visual platform like Instagram, and you can use it if you sell fashion, art or beauty products or if you have a business related to gardening, cooking, interior design, makeup, clothes, travel or fitness.

You should be inspirational, authentic and consistent on Pinterest to get what you want.

Top industries: health, retail, travel, fashion, arts and crafts, food, beauty, Home design, Event planning.

Average age and gender: 18-45, mostly women

  • Google +

Using Google + will help the brand show on google search page. So you will get more traffic, and you will be able to be found by people who search for your products on Google. Make sure to use correct information on your profile and create a communication for the brand on this platform.

Top industries: all

Average age and gender: none specific

Top social media sites for B2B business 

Social media for B2B businesses should gather leaders and generate interest in the product. You can find investors, sponsors, partners, etc.

You should have a substantial presence on these platforms to get the maximum result.

  • Linkedin

The best benefits of using LinkedIn are the ability to make contacts and building relationships with other business owners. You should provide valuable information and support to connection.

You can create leadership groups and advertise by targeting location, industry, title and other demographic.

Top sectors: employment, financial, science, technology, marketing, manufacturing, professional services, IT, and SEO.

Average age and gender: 2545, both genders.

  • Google +

Google + is suitable for business to business brands too. Because it’s a social layer that can increase your visibility in search engines. You can create a business page so people can follow and engage with you. This is an excellent opportunity for building a strong relationship with other brands.

Top industries: all

Average age and gender: none specific.

  • Twitter

Twitter is a suitable way for you to get the word out and provide a link back to your website. It can displace the newswires for breaking news so you can search for mentions of your brands and get some feedback there.

Top industries: retail, E-commerce, health and wellness, news and information, telecom, finance, fashion, sports, travel.

Average age and gender: 18-29 , both genders.

2.Top social media sites for the target audience 

If you don’t know about it, you can find out about it by answering these ten questions:

When you target the wrong audience, you will waste your money and time, so it’s critical to find out who are your potential customers:

  1. What is the location of your audience?
  2. What is the gender of your target customers?
  3. What is the average age of your target audience?
  4. What’s their average income amount?
  5. What are their hobbies and favorite things to do?
  6. What challenges do they have and what problems do they want to be solved?
  7. Do they have kids? Are they married?
  8. What are their jobs?
  9. Are they tech-savvy or traditional? How do they get their information?
  10. Which one of them are your loyal customers?

This way you can profile your average customers.

Note! You can use Instagram insights to get all these information.

3.Top social media sites based on business goals

You should find out what you want to get by using social media marketing. You should keep in mind that social media is mostly a “see” platform. People go there to see things not to do things! This makes it difficult for businesses which have a long sales cycle to make straight sales from the platform.

goals can be:

  • Improving your customer services.
  • Reaching out to new customers and increasing brand awareness.
  • Learning more about wants, needs, and habits of customers
  • Increasing traffic to the site
  • Boosting sales.

4.Top social media sites based on business content 

Every social media have their content types. So you should consider which content you want to create and share that also works best for your brand and then choose a platform working based on that type of content.

The type of your content depends on your niche, brand, target audience, etc.

What are some types of creating content:

  • Testimonials
  • Podcasts
  • Blog posts
  • Ebooks
  • User-generated contents (UGC)
  • Videos
  • Photos
  • live streams


Social media is a useful tool for a brand that wants to remain popular, gain new customers online, find new leads, getting more website traffics and improve customer service. The world is getting more and more online these days, so it can be a great way to have a successful business.

How to Teach your Kids to Be Smart about Social Media?

There is no avoiding social media for most parents these days. According to ACMA, only 45% of 8-11-year-olds were using social media about five years ago! This proportion increased to 60% in 2018, with many of the platforms being age-restricted (generally for 13+)

So, if you are trying hard to cut down social media from your family’s life, there are some preventative ways to keep your children safe on social media platforms.

Psychologists believe that the key is awareness and education. The first thing you need t do is educating yourself, then pass this information onto your kids.

 How to Teach your Kids to Be Smart about Social Media?

  1. Understanding the dangers of social media platforms
  • Privacy

You need to understand all the privacy settings in place to help protect your kids. If you have kids, they should have a private profile and a limited personal information on social media platforms. ( including their phone number and address) Also, not accepting requests from strangers is highly recommended.

Privacy settings are different on every platform. Make sure to study them before using the platform.

  • Cyberbullying

online bullying occurs even for primary students! Cyberbullying can come in many different forms, like harassment, unapproved photo sharing, hacking, public humiliation, exclusion, etc.

You must understand the different ways your kid can be victimized by online bullying, so you would know what to do.

  • Sexting

Young girls are facing increasing pressure to engage in the exchange of nude pictures, known as ‘sexting.’ Some young girls are suffering as a result of social media, often the result of ‘negotiating photos’

It’s important to realize that sexting does not just threaten your kid’s privacy; it can also lead to anxiety, bullying, depression, and humiliation.

  • Anxiety and Depression

While cyberbullying usually leads to emotional difficulties in kids, some studies imply that social media itself can begin anxiety or depression.

Spending 1 hour a day conversing on social networks decreases the possibility of being fully satisfied with life overall by nearly 14 percentage points. 

  • Addiction

If your kids lose interest in other actions, become upset or anxious when they can’t reach social media, or become continually distracted by social media, they may have a social media or technology addiction.

There are easy ways to stop this from happening, though, you should know that just using social media a lot doesn’t consider as an addiction. The addiction is when their use of social media prevents and interrupts their ability to function.

Now that you have educated yourself on the threats of social media, it’s time to concentrate on the kids.

2-What your kids need to know about social media

  • The dependability of posting

It can be a hard theory for children to understand – that their future selves may not want to broadcast the same personal data that they do right now. Make it easy for them, and if they can’t think of their future selves, remind them of their past.

Emphasize to your children the inescapable dependability of online posting and explain to them that what they post now could beat them in the future. 

  • Having empathy for others

Educate your children about compassion and encourage them to see how their behavior on social media may influence others; this will prevent them from joining in online bullying behaviors.

  • social media is not real

Children need to know that while social media profiles can be a representation of someone’s character, they are a very nicely curated one.

Notably, some photos can be damaging to young girls and set up nonsensical standards of beauty.

People don’t put up unattractive pictures of themselves, so merely there are pictures of beautiful people everywhere. This can affect your self-esteem, so having a perception that it’s edited and that it’s not real, and having that knowledge that it can change the way that you feel and what you see without even knowing it, is essential.

How parents can use social media?

Obviously, you are one of your children’s role model, so if you use social media platforms in the right way, children will learn it as well.

For example, if you are an Instagram user, you can use it for growing your business and earnin money. Then kids will learn about the benefits on using social media in the best way.

If you are a business or just want to earn money on social media, I recommend building your eCommerce store and sell easier than ever by using a service such as iLink.

With iLink you can build your dream online store store with ready themes and without needing any codes. Millions of people will see your products on Google, by adding product’s descriptions on iShop. Moreover, it offers beautiful and customizable design and lets you Change the color, font, design, etc.

Some features of iLink’s iShop service:

  • Statistics
  • Contact us page
  • Direct shop button
  • About us page
  • Search in products
  • Products slider
  • 10 images for one product
  • Seo ready
  • Link products
  • Related products
  • Description for products
  • Add categories
  • Discount system
  • Custom URL
  • Currency symbol
  • Background image
  • Multi products style
  • 24/7 support


Parents need to explain all the mentioned tips to their children and about the permanence of their posts, and the impact of their words. You should not rely on the school system to teach them these things, and sadly, social media safety is not being well addressed.

3 Steps to make money online for beginners

you have recently started your business, or you are wondering how to make money online from home in your spare time. This blog would help you to get an idea of making your online store and website to sell online and get customers from google search engine. 

A couple of years ago, having a website was a big challenge, and it needed coding and technical knowledge. You could never think of building a website or even an online store to make money. 

Now, with the help of technology, everyone can have its website. If you have not started your site yet, I highly recommend it to start here. Making your website now is better than building it tomorrow with this fast rapid, and competitive environment. 

3 Steps to make money online for beginners

I would start by giving an overview of how you can make money online! 

  1. You need any products (services, physical, or digital products)
  2. Build an iLink Shop 
  3. Share your iLink Shop URL everywhere you can* (or get customers from Google by following the tips in step #2 below)

*Tip: you can copy your iLink shop URL from the dashboard directly. The URL is located on the top left of your dashboard (it is ending with your username). 

STEP #1: Prepare your products to sell 

If you have your products in your hands, then you are lucky. You can search the internet for ideas of handicrafts you can make quickly or any art stuff. If you get some physical products in wholesale like clothes, shoes, accessories are also great! 

If you have none of this! Join some of the affiliate programs and sell Amazon, eBay, or any other websites products. 

You can search the internet for some of the highest-paid affiliate programs, and join them to have service or products to sell (without paying in advance). 

STEP #2: Build your iLink shop 

Setting up the iLink shop is easy, and you can go to iLink to sign up and prepare your store. 

To build an iLink shop: 

  • Sign up to iLink 
  • Add basic information 
  • Add products, pictures, and prices. 

The most crucial point here is the descriptions and titles. If you get customers by sharing your website on all social media, that is fine, and you need a satisfying title and descriptions. 

However, if you aim to get customers from Google search engines (users that search for your specific products), the story is a bit different. 

iLink product descriptions and titles would help users to see and find your products from google search engines across the world. Therefore, take your time and prepare the description with all possible words that users might search for. 

STEP #3: share your iLink shop 

The last step is to share your iLink shop URL everywhere you can. I would list some of these places.

  • Instagram (insert the URL in bio, website section). 
  • Facebook as posts or your story
  • YouTube (in the description section of a video) 
  • Pinterest as posts
  • Twitter, insert in the bio. 

Sum up

If you are a beginner, to make money online, you no need to have any expertise and you can do it from anywhere with any time. All you need is finding a service or products to see, be brave to start and continue the journey, make your iLink shop and sell them online.

Top 10 e-Commerce websites (with reviews & plans)

With the ever-increasing growth of the online store, having an eCommerce store is necessary. Knowing which eCommerce website is suitable for you helps you to choose more comfortable. This blog listed the best eCommerce platform for you. 

If you are running a small business, you most probably own a website, but you were wondering about its cost or the process. 

Building the eCommerce website is secure now, using ready templates provided by the following platforms. 

What you should do is sign up to the dashboard and start building your store only with the pictures and price of any products you have. 

Best eCommerce websites builders are:

  1. iLink Shop
  2. PrestaShop
  3. Weebly
  4. SquareSpace
  5. Magneto
  6. Wix
  7. WooCommerce
  8. BigCommerce
  9. Shopify
  10. 3dCart

For your ease of use, I have included the starting price, so you would have an idea about which is the best value. 

1.  iLink shop 

iLink is the best eCommerce website builder in which you can build your online store with affordable prices and the highest quality. There are other options beside iLink shop like link in bio using iLink. The dashboard is user friendly and easy to set up. All you need is adding pictures and price tags. The plan is about $6 per month, and you can use iLink for free. 

2. PrestaShop

PrestaShop’s apps can become costly, but SEO performance is its positive reviews. Slower load time makes it complicated for stores with lots of products, and if the customer needs to choose between a variety of options. 

3. Weebly

Weebly is suitable for the primary store for its price, and stunning template designs are available. Though there are no amazon integrations and weak SEO are its disadvantages. Value is its strongest point, and if you have a limited budget so, it is a good option. 

4. SquareSpace 

Overall it is very good; excellent template design and easiness to set up is of great help for simple stores. Though there is no phone support, and limited payment gateways are its disadvantages. 

5. MagnetoCommerce

One-click selling apps are available in this platform, and SEO strength is another advantage. However, development skills are disadvantages if you have no technical or coding knowledge. 

6. Wix

I recommend WIX for website building but not for its online store because of poor SEO and https issues. Overall, WIX is not a great option, but if you had no choice, you could use Wix. Lacks of marketing features and integrations are other negative reviews of this platform. 

7. WooCommerce

woocommerce has a strong point for SEO platform, so if you are looking to attract more customers from Google, you can use woocommerce. However, its high price could be troubling if you have just recently started your business. Or you are not sure about the income at first, so the rental could be risky. 

8. BigCommerce

Big-commerce is flexible, and you can sell multiple products. Big-commerce is also known for its SEO performance, but there are some disadvantages to it. For high volume stores, you should pay more, and it is not very strong on designs and themes, but performance, in general, is excellent. 

9. Shopify 

Shopify is known for its fastest load time and easy setup; however, weak SEO performance and apps that are costly and some limitations in checkout are of its disadvantages. Ease of use is its strongest point, so if you are not looking for customers from Google, and your business size is small can be a good option for you. 

10. 3dcart 

The overall performance is good, and value is the strongest point of 3dcart. Tons of integrations, better blog features than others are other advantages. If you are more into blogging, it can be the right choice then. 

How to Write Good Instagram Bio?

Writing a great Instagram bio might seem easy, but it actually needs a lot of thought. It takes less than ten seconds for an online visitor to get an impression of your Instagram account. It’s essential for that first impression to be a good one!

In the following article, we will show you how to write a good Instagram bio that makes an excellent first impression, describes what your business does, and convinces new users to click the “follow” button!

How to Write Good Instagram Bio?

  • Your name

The first thing you need to do to create a good Instagram bio is to make sure that your name is unique and real! (by name we mean the “name” field on your profile, not your username).

People will use your name or your company’s name to search for you on Instagram, so you should let them know that the Instagram profile they are viewing really belongs to you.

You should know that your username and name are the only fields that Instagram considers in the search queries. Therefore, you should use the name you are identified with.

  • Related Keywords

Using keywords would not increase your search-ability on Instagram (except your “name” in your Instagram bio), yet it will give more focus to your account and lets you correlate with members who want to engage with your brand!

When you are choosing keywords to use in your Instagram bio, consider your primary values and the core values of your target audience.

If you are using Instagram for business, you should spend more time getting to know your ideal followers. What are their interests or pain points? What keywords will help you attract them the most?

Using related keywords to your niche and your target audience will help people know who you are, what you are offering, etc.

  • Your business skills

Your Instagram bio should explain what you do and what your business is. So if you are standing out for a specific skill, hobby, profession, or interest, you should include them on your Instagram bio.

Think about what makes you different from your competitors. If you have individual experiences or skills relevant to your business, mention it on your Instagram bio.

Instagram bio acts as an introduction to new visitors and makes the first impression on them, so make sure that they would tap the follow button.

  • Website link

Instagram is very strict about using clickable links. Currently, Instagram only lets you add one clickable link in the app. And it’s the link in your Instagram bio.

Most of the brands on Instagram use the link to direct their followers to their homepage or blog. But if you have an e-commerce business account on Instagram, you would also want to send users to specific pages about your products, campaigns, or webinars. So the lack of clickable links can be a massive challenge for you.

Some accounts will frequently update their website link to send the audience to their latest products and then promote the link on their captions. But Instagram’s algorithm is no longer chronological. So if you post “link in bio.”, it’s possible that the link might not correspond to the existing link in your bio!

So what should I do?

You can use short-link generators or source page generators like iLink to create a source page for all of your important links and convert them into one short link to place on your Instagram bio.

This way, you can track your hits and target your most popular product. And also, you can drive more traffic to your individual web pages.

You can create a profile with contact information on iLink and add as many links as you want to your page.

Moreover, you can add all of your social media accounts into your profile to make sure people will get in touch with you. If you are interested in knowing more about adding several links in one link, keep reading.

What is iLink?

iLink is a tool to optimize the Instagram bio link, for any Instagram users such as marketers, bloggers, businesses, etc. Once you create a link on iLink, you can share it on any social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. and ask your followers to click on the link.

When users click on the custom link, they will be redirected to the page you have designed, and they’ll see all you have shared on the platform.

Why do I need multiple links on Instagram bio?

Well, anyone who shares blog posts, owns a website, wants to sell the products, etc. can easily redirect the audience to the place they should be!

Businesses usually use Instagram for branding and getting people familiar with their products and services, so, after attracting users by the things you provide, it is time to show them a way to reach the services or products you offer.

On the other hand, you might just like to promote your blog post and want to be popular, then using a service such as iLink is helpful again. Just copy and paste your iLink URL into your Instagram bio, and you’re all set.

The free version of iLink:

  • Customize your profile (shows your email, phone number, mobile number, and your current location)
  • Add a description about yourself and your business.
  • Upload a profile photo for your iLink page.
  • easy to set up.
  • Unlimited beautiful free themes.
  • Provides stats, including the number of clicks on every link.
  • Easily counts the clicks.
  • You can add your social accounts to your page via default.
  • Shows your visitors little clickable icons of every social media.
  • No limits; you can add as much link as you want.
  • Add music
  • Add video
  • Add your website
  • Different button style options
  • It provides both an avatar profile and your own photo.

Using a single link instead of using several links is so powerful both for personal and business users because it prevents your audience from being confused by seeing multiple links. Moreover, you can add photos, videos, blog posts, products, etc. by using tools such as iLink.

If you are a business, you should not miss iLink’s online store because of its great features such as:

  • Fast setup
  • You are free to sell everything
  • You can advertise on Google
  • Easily track your growth
  • It lets you find what the needs

  • Be creative

You should think of a way to show off your fun sides, too, so do not get obsessed with crafting a formal biography for your account.

You can use these ways to add a little soul to your Instagram bio:

  • Use emojis between your texts.
  • Add your branded hashtag to host an Instagram contest.
  • Add line breaks to your Instagram bio to separate your lines.


You should craft a good Instagram bio to create an excellent first impression on users and convince them to follow you.

In summary, you should:

  • Introduce yourself and your business
  • Use specific keywords to target your niche audience
  • Add links to your website or blog.
  • Share your fun side too
  • Provide a contact way for your audience.

How To Add Links On Instagram Posts?

As it stands, Instagram only allows users to share one clickable link on their Instagram bio; any links added to captions or comments are not clickable and must be copied and pasted to be accessed. There are some less effective workarounds available to users, but no way to reliably get a workable link anywhere but the profile page.

Social media managers have always talked about the importance of Instagram traffic for websites and online pages. But how to add links to Instagram posts and stories? Fortunately, there are some ways and tricks to add links to Instagram posts and stories, keep reading to get the secret!

Why doesn’t Instagram allow links in posts?

As frustrating as it is, Instagram has a good reason to limit the linking. Once upon a time, users could include links in captions and comments. However, this function was heavily abused with link spamming in comments and frequent hacking and misusing of profiles, so Instagram took a firm stance against excessive self-promotion.

Is there a workaround?

Yes and no. If you are an individual with a casual blog and no interest in spending money to get your link out there, you’ll need to settle for having your blog link on your profile.

If you’re concerned that your followers won’t know about the link unless they visit your profile page, include a call to action in your caption that directs them to your page to find your blog’s link. Obviously, this isn’t ideal because it requires a couple of steps from the follower, but it’s better than nothing. The most welcomed workaround is using links in bio, and today we are going to talk about it.

How to add link to instagram post?

Actually, it is possible to add links on Instagram posts, didn’t you expect it? Well, that’s right, you can add links to Instagram posts. With an Instagram business profile, you can share clickable links in posts as long as you pay for them and promote the posts.

So, if you are a business, using promoted posts is worth trying, if not, there is no logical reason to promote a post for any irrelevant link! Instead, it is better to use a free service that lets you add several links in one link, such as iLink.

You may remember the time that users weren’t allowed to add multiple links in Instagram’s bio, and had to choose one link over the other ones! Fortunately, the bad days are gone, and today you can add several links in one link and share it on the Instagram bio or any social media platforms.

Benefits of using links on Instagram:

•        Increase the website’s traffic

•        Increase sales

•        Get more clients

•        Measure Instagram’s effectiveness

•        Analyze the number of new clients

What is iLink?

It is a tool to optimize the Instagram bio link, for any Instagram users such as marketers, bloggers, businesses, etc. Luckily, iLink lets you direct your customers from anywhere to your blog page, websites, YouTube, Social media accounts, new product introductions, etc. Just for free!

When users click on the custom link, they will be redirected to the page you have designed, and they’ll see all you have shared on the platform.

Now, let’s know more about iLink’s features:

  • Customize your profile (shows your email, phone number, mobile number, and your current location)
  • Add a description about yourself and your business.
  • Upload a profile photo for your iLink page.
  • Easy to set up.
  • Unlimited beautiful free themes.
  • Provides stats, including the number of clicks on every link.
  • Easily counts the clicks.
  • You can add your social accounts to your page via default.
  • Shows your visitors little clickable icons of every social media.
  • No limits; you can add many links.
  • Add music
  • Add video
  • Add your website
  • Different button style options
  • It provides both an avatar profile and your own photo.

As I mentioned, iLink is free with all its provided features, so don’t miss it!

How to add links to Instagram stories?

Since Instagram users tend to check stories more than posts, many businesses or users who want to promote a product or service, prefer to share links on stories rather than posts.

Happily, adding links to Instagram stories is much easier than posts, and you don’t need to pay for the shared link. Instead, you must have been verified by Instagram or have 10k followers; then, you can add links to the Instagram stories whenever you want.

To get verified on Instagram, do the following:

  1. Open the Instagram app
  2. Tap the profile icon in the right button corner
  3. Then tap the menu icon on the top right corner
  4. Select “Settings”
  5. Tap on “Account”
  6. Scroll down and tap “Request Verification.”

After completing the asked information, you should wait until Instagram checks your request and approve it. It may take some days or even some weeks to hear from Instagram, so you should be patient!

The last word

Now that you have learned how to share several links on Instagram, you are a step ahead of others, and you can promote your products and services on one of the most popular platforms such as Instagram.

What is your idea about iLink? We are all ears to hear your recommendations and experiences about iLink.

All types of social media with examples & benefits

nature is (and always was) based on social activities. Some people tend to be
more social (extroverts), and some are not (introverts).

This is
why people are always seeking new ways to connect with others. Now that we are
living in a society based on technology, people have found ways to join each
other through the Internet, which is possible with the advent of social media
platforms and apps.

media platforms have different types. We can name at least eight types on
social media, and we are going to.

What are all types of
social media? 

You can
group networks into ten general categories that focus on what people need to
get by using them. Here is our list of eight types of social media and what
they are used for:

  1. Social
  2. Forums
  3. Media
  4. Bookmarking
  5. Review
  6. Publishing
  7. Shopping
  8. Interest-based
  9. Sharing
  10. Anonymous

Now I would explain all these types with their
benefits and examples, along with some pictures from their environment.

1. Social networks

Examples: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter

use these platforms to connect with others. These aren’t the oldest type of
social media, but they indeed define it now. 

Benefits: Brand awareness, market research, lead generation,
customer service, relationship building, etc.

2. Discussion forums

Examples: Reddit, Quora, Digg, Tumblr

the news and your ideas by using these platforms. These platforms can be
significant resources for market research. You can advertise on them, but you
need to be careful to keep your posts and ads separate. These are one of the
oldest types of social media.

Benefits: finding, discussing, and sharing news, opinions, and

3. Media sharing networks

Examples: Snapchat, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Vimeo

photos, videos, and other media on these platforms. (photo sharing and video

Benefits: audience engagement, brand awareness, lead generation,
and most of your other social marketing goals.

4. Content curation and bookmarking networks

Examples: Flipboard, Pinterest

save, and share new content on these platforms. These platforms are a hotbed of
inspiration and creativity for people who are looking for new ideas.

Benefits: driving customer engagement, brand awareness, and website

5. Review networks

Examples: product hunt, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Zomato

You can
find and review brands and businesses on these platforms. These networks give
people a place to evaluate companies, brands, and This may add ethical values to
their websites and online services.

Benefits: positive reviews work right for your internet
marketing. You can solve issues with your unhappy customers.

6. Publishing and blogging networks(Microblogging)

Examples: Tumblr, Medium, WordPress 

You can
publish your content online on the Internet and link it to any places you need.
This type of platform is suitable for affiliate marketing in which you can
guide many customers for any products. 

Benefits: engage with your audience, generate leads, and build
your brand and sales.

7. Social shopping networks

Examples: Etsy, Polyvore, fancy

platform for online shopping. Social shopping platforms make e-commerce by
adding a social element.

Benefits: brand awareness, increase engagement, sell
products, and services via new channels.

8. Interest-based networks

Examples: Last.FM, Houzz, Goodreads

You can
share your interests and hobbies on these platforms. Focusing on a single
subject can help you find your audience more comfortable.

Benefits: These are a great place to engage with your customers to
build some brand awareness.

9. Sharing economy networks 

Examples: Airbnb, Uber, TaskRabbit 

If you
have a business and you are going to advertise, sell, but you can use this type
of social platform. 

Benefits: if you have any hosting business or tourist-related
business, you can find people interested in Airbnb. 

10. anonymous networks 

Examples: Whisper, Ask.fm, After School

These types
of systems try to convert the confession to content, which is not recommended.
They mostly post gossip, secrets, and such topics anonymously. https://lustfel.com/ modalert online uk  

Benefits: It looks like a fun place to share such things or
attract users by gossip but has no benefits for a good business.

How to Make Money from Instagram Influencer Marketing?

Instagram, as a
visual platform, has one billion monthly active users, which sounds to be a
good opportunity for making money. While it was only popular as a photo-sharing
platform, it gradually became a business platform as well.

You might have spent time on the “Explore” tab and see a lot of active
influencers who share two or three videos every day. That’s the time the
question comes to your mind, “How influencers make money on Instagram?” Follow
me to get the answer.

Can you
make money on Instagram?

Of course
YES! Everyone can earn money on Instagram, but something that makes you
successful and different from others is the strategy you use on Instagram.

Believe it
or not, there are some mysteries of how to make money on popular social media
platforms; today, you’ll know some of them about Instagram.

Now let’s
know some ways of earning money on Instagram:

  • Affiliate
  • Sponsored posts
  • Sponsored blog
  • Start your own
  • Start copywriting
  • Sell your

Moreover, you should take a look at successful Instagrammer’s
accounts and combine what you have learned from their strategies and use them
to strengths your marketing and business.

Who is an Instagram

Instagram influencers
are good at building reputations by doing various things on their shared videos
and photos.

Instagram influencers have a lot of following, brands and businesses try to
become their partner; also, they ask influencers for sharing the sponsored
posts about their service and product.

Influencers can persuade their followers based on their trustworthiness and authenticity. So, they can influence people, and they use this ability to recommend products and services.

Why do people
decide to make money on Instagram?

  • Instagram has 1
    billion monthly active users.
  • There are 500
    million active users every day on Instagram.
  • %80 of Instagram
    users follow at least one business on the platform.
  • The spent time
    on Instagram increases every year.
  • The number of
    brands that promote their business on Instagram is increasing every year.
  • 300 million
    Instagram users use Instagram stories every day.
  • Most Instagram
    users are adults and young adults.
  • The user-generated
    contents have a higher conversion rate.

How to
build an Instagram following?

  • Complete the bio
    and add the link in bio
  • Post regularly
  • Engage with
  • Use relevant
  • Write compelling
  • Share high-quality
  • Share videos
  • Try to build a relationship
    and partner with influencers
  • Take advantage
    of Instagram stories
  • Choose a niche
  • Run contest
  • Go live
  • Ask users to tag
    their friends
  • Use Instagram
    ads to reach more users

How to become an Instagram

becoming an Instagram influencer has become easier than it used to be; all you
need to do is doing the following and see the results:

  • Choose a niche

As an
influencer, your brand is your personality. The more real and unique you can
be, the more successful you will be. You should ask yourself what you are
passionate about, and What do you have to share the most?

So, pick up a pen and start writing down your passions. They don’t have to fit into standard categories like travel, makeup, etc. Anyone Can write down about the likes—for example, Disney animations, green stuff, bohemian life, electronic music.

  • Find something unique to do

There is a
lot of unsuccessful lifestyle blogger out there. They have the passions about
something, but they can’t get a following. Why? Because they are trying to be
liked by others. Be yourself, be unique, and you will be successful.

  • Plan a strategy for your content

You should
create a strategy for your content on Instagram. Make a list of content that
you want to post for the next month. Schedule your posts at the best time.

  • Create high-quality content

Try to
create the best content you can. Search about the thing you want to post,
gather some new information relevant to your niche, then share a post on Instagram.

You can post
funny, educational or artsy content about your niche.

  • Be consistent

You should
post regularly to gain more engagements. For example, you can post every Tuesday
at 3 pm!

  • Promote your account

you should
spend more of your time on creation. Promoting your account needs a lot of free
time to find users and interact with them via like, comments and followings.
So, they would get to know you.

Now you are
a step ahead of typical users, and you’ll be an Instagram influencer soon.

Make sure
you have listed your email in your bio, and only promote things you truly
believe in their quality, and you think they would have benefits for your

How to make money from
Instagram influencer marketing?

Now, after getting a lot of followers and being popular on Instagram, you
might be thinking, “How should I make money and how to work with brands?”

Influencers can recommend a brand or a service to their audience and earn a
commission for it. It’s mostly common on social media like Instagram, facebook,
and twitter.

Well, after having a lot of followers and being popular on Instagram, you
should expect the brands to reach you out. Also, you should try to find some
brands and businesses to offer them for sponsored posts and advertisements.

Also, you should keep in mind that being active on Instagram is not enough,
and you should be active on other popular social media platforms as well.  For example, YouTube sounds to be a good option
for creating video content based on your account’s niche.

Once you advertise a product or service on your Instagram posts as an
influencer, brands will offer you two kinds of payments; they can either pay
you in cash or give the product or service to you for free.

What if I am not lucky to have an offer for being

Don’t get disappointed and never give up on what you have started until you
reach it! There are a lot of brands and businesses that offer affiliate links,
put the links in bio, by using a free service such as iLink that lets users add several links in one link.

Then you should look for related products to your niche that provide
affiliate links.

How can I add several links in one link?

Instagram doesn’t let users add several links in bio, it is recommended to use iLink
to get rid of Instagram’s link sharing limitations. iLink is a platform
that will let you convert as many links as you want into one general and a
short link.

By using
iLink, you can customize your profile photo and add your contact info (phone
number, email, location, etc.) or your other social media accounts into your
iLink profile. This can help you to be in touch with your customers. buy alprazolam for dogs uk https://www.sunjournal.com/ And you
will no longer have issues with sharing the brand’s link.

All in

Keep in mind
that you can’t become an Instagram influencer overnight, and reaching your goal
as an Instagram influencer might take a few months so, be patient and don’t get

Please share
your experiences with us; we are all ears!

How to fix Facebook notifications not loading?

On Facebook, you
will receive updates about any activity through notifications. Depending on the
platform you are using, they are of different types such as red alert, email or
push notifications. These alerts inform you about new friend
requests or ulpoaded a photo edited with the facebook picture editor. And Facebook has notifications of different events and some of you are waiting for more than usual. For example, you have made a new video in a free video editor and are waiting for comments from your friends.

Sometimes you come across the problem that these alerts are not working. To solve this issue, some solutions are provided as below:

1. Make sure App Notification is turned on

your notification has been turned off unexpectedly due to some bug in the
system caused by an app or other unknown reasons. To turn it on again in iOS
mobile phones, enable ‘’Allow
’’ for Facebook in settings of your phone.

Android mobile phones, go to “Application Manager” in settings and tap
“Notification” on Facebook and switch it on from the Facebook app.

Google Chrome or Firefox, as stated in the Facebook help center, first make sure your
browser is up to date, then log in to Facebook, and then:

How to turn
Facebook notifications on and off:

  • Click on the upside-down triangle in the upper right corner and go to Settings.
  • Go to Notifications on the left menu.
  • Here, you can turn notifications on for all sorts of activity. They are clearly categorized as comments, tags, reminders, birthdays, etc.
Instruction to turn off and on the Facebook notifications

2. Clear cache memory

Applications store files
in “cache” for later reference as you use them. When you visit any page on your
browser, the logos and images and other items are downloaded to increase the
later load speed and save you time and data. If you want to have more space or
fix a malfunctioning app, erase cache memory.

Fix Facebook notifications not working on Android or iPhone

an app will erase all app data, not only its cache. So, if you have important
files in an app it’s not wise to go for uninstalling. First, try to clear cache
memory as below and if it doesn’t work try other solutions.

For iPhone, you
can clean up all cache data by using a professional iOS clear
cache which can be found simply by googling it.

Android, follow the following steps

  • Tap the Storage heading in your phone Settings.
  • Tap the Other Apps heading.
  • Find Facebook or Messenger app.
  • Tap the Clear Cache button.

If you
want to clear cache data from your desktop browser, note that each type of
browser requires a different method.

Fix Facebook
notifications not working on Chrome, Firefox, Explorer

You can use the clear
cash method for your browsers also. Follow the instructions bellow:


  1. Press the “Alt” key on your keyboard to make the top menu
  2. Click “Tools,” then click “Clear Recent History.”
  3. Select “Everything” from the “Time range to
    clear” drop-down menu.
  4. Click the arrow next to “Details.”
  5. Place a check in the box next to “Cache” and remove a check in
    the box next to any other item.
  6. Click “Clear Now” to clear your cache for Facebook and all other


  1. Click the “Tools” icon, then click “Internet Options.”
  2. Click “Delete” under “Browsing History.”
  3. Remove the check in the box next to “Preserve Favorites website
  4. Click “Delete” to clear your cache for Facebook.


  1. Click the “Tools” icon, then click “Options.”
  2. Navigate to the “Under the Hood” tab.
  3. Click “Clear Browsing Data.”
  4. Click to select “Everything” from the drop-down menu.
  5. Place a mark next to “Empty the cache” and remove marks from all
    other options.
  6. Click the “Clear browsing data” button to clear your cache for

3. Check for power saving modes

Data restriction enabled
by power saving modes or a third party battery saving apps such as Greenify can
cause Facebook, Messenger or any other app to misbehave in unexpected ways.

chances are if you uninstall the doubtful third-party software, your Facebook app
starts to function properly again.

This image shows low power mode in iPhone mobiles that can be turned on or off manually. https://poppromos.com

4. Update Facebook App

If you have an older version of the Facebook app on your cellphone, it may misbehave for no specific reason. So, update it from App Store if you have an iPhone. If it’s not updated it will be shown on the list of apps that need to be updated.

For Android:

  1. Open Google play store.
  2. Search for “Facebook” and click on the app.
  3. If you see ”update” instead of “open”, it means Facebook is out of date. Click on “update”.

5. Reinstall the app

If the problem still exists, you have no choice but to delete Facebook and install it once more.

For iPhone users, you should tap and hold down on the Facebook app without exerting much pressure. After the app icon begins to shake, tap the (X) button on the top right corner of the app and click ‘’Delete. Then download it from App Store

For Android users, press and hold Facebook and drag it to the trash bin at the upper left corner. Then, download it from Play Store.

iLink vs. Linkin.bio

Social media is the best marketing platform of this era for its great popularity and daily amount of active users, but marketing through these platforms needs the ability to share links.

Since the emergence of social media platforms, marketers, businesses and brand owners started looking for ways to showcase their products and career to broader audience by sharing links to for example their websites, but they always faced the limitations of almost all social media platforms which does not allow users to add more than one link in their bios. 

This makes it very hard for a marketer to choose one of their links over the other ones. Another obstacle was that many business owners would want a platform to give them the opportunity to get in touch with their audiences easier, but with this restriction, they have to choose to either add a contact option, such as their email, or their website, as a link in their profiles.

The good news is that this social media restriction can now be ditched using link shortener services, which make us able to add many links as we want in our bios without having to choose only one connection.

How is the link in bio useful?

A social media link in bio has lots of advantages for either business pages or personal ones. Social media is the best platform for marketing all kinds of content in this modern era, which brings together billions of people from all over the world. Such a platform cannot be ignored while marketing a business or brand.

The only way we can gain more traffic to our business’s website or get it noticed by more people is to drive users from social media to our website, blogs, or product pages. This is only possible by adding a link of these sources to our desired social media platform.

Let’s say you have added an Instagram link in bio, which is your website link. Any Instagrammer paying a visit to your profile, might find the content interesting enough and want to know more about it. All they want would be a link to more information such as contact ways, or your website. They’ll simply click on your link in bio and be redirected to where you want, and this way, you’ve gained traffic as easy as that.

You surely have more than only one social media account, since no one leans to a single platform, especially when it comes to marketing. You can make use of a link in profile to direct the audience of your most followed social media account to the other profiles you own. 

You can either add your blog or website links or as a service or business, add contact ways to social media bios to let potential customers keep in touch with you and ask their questions.

How to add multiple links in social media bios?

Adding multiple links in bios has been like a dream for marketers, but here you’ll know exactly how to add countless links on your profiles. We can make more use of a link in bio when there are no limits of adding as many links as we want. 

One of the most asked questions these days is, for example, how to post an Instagram link in bio, which includes multiple clickable links when clicked. It is actually possible using link shortener services such as iLink and Linkin.bio, which are even better alternatives than Linktree, which is a well-known service for adding multiple social media bio links. 

Below, I am going to introduce two of the best link in bio services for all social media platforms to gain more traffic and audience to your website and other social media profile.

iLink link in bio service

iLink is the first link in bio service, which I find to be the most useful one. iLink makes it possible for its users to add as many links as they one into only one short link they put on their social media bios, including Instagram bio, Twitter bio, Facebook bio, and much more.

I do not name iLink a competitor to Linktree or Linkin.bio because it is much better than them in every way. 

The main features of iLink are free, and without any cost, you can sign up and start adding multiple links to your profiles, but it also has two paid versions, which has many more options, which is better for marketers, businesses, and brand owners.

The free features of iLink 

  • Add limitless links on all social media bios.
  • Change your landing page theme and background. (Gradient and animation)
  • Clickable social media buttons for your other social profiles.
  • Customize link buttons, text, and colors.
  • Add playable and clickable music and videos.
  • Get the number of your link clicks on the iLink dashboard.
  • Change button style options.
  • Set an avatar for your profile and landing page.
  • Have a description about you or the business or brand you run.
  • Add as many contact buttons as you wish.

The paid features of iLink

  • iLink Pro

As I mentioned before, iLink has paid versions , which one of them is the iLink pro for the users who are willing to have even much more professional options of the service.

  • iShop

iShop is a very helpful and unique feature of iLink, which is the second paid feature of the service. Brand and business owners, influencers and marketers who want to sell their products and service but are not willing to establish their own website or pay lots of dollars to submit a webpage, would find iShop to be very handy.

With iShop, users can create a mini webpage (Landing page) which is just like an online shop of their own products and services as a link in bio on their social media profiles.

Linkin.bio by later

The second service I trust to be a good tool for link in bio is the Linkin.bio service provided by the very famous Later brand, which is well-known for supplying Instagram services. 

Linkin.bio by Later turns your posts into traffic drivers, and comes with our Instagram marketing must-haves—like seamless scheduling and a visual content planner.

Advantages of using Linkin.bio

  • Add multiple links on an Instagram bio
  • Free to use 
  • Track your link clicks

iLink vs. Linkin.bio 

Both the services I talked about in my blog have one similar goal, which is to ditch the social media restrictions of link sharing and provide users the opportunity to share multiple links in profiles. But there are some reasons why you should choose iLink over Linkin. Bio, which I am going to explain below.

  1. The first and most important reason to choose iLink is that Linkin. Bio offers services for only Instagram and can be used only on Instagram bios while iLink is a service to allow users to add multiple links on almost all their social media bios.
  2. Both iLink and Linkin.bio offer their main features free, but iLink has more features provided for the people who want more than only a link in bio service.
  3. Linkin.bio does not offer the design options iLink does for your landing pages. Such as free beautiful themes and gradient backgrounds, button styles and shades, text colors, and much more.


Adding multiple links in social media bios is a very wise step toward getting more traffic to both your website and other social media profiles. I have compared two of the best Linktree alternatives here in this blog in a very detailed way, making it easy for you to choose the one service you need to begin using as your social media link sharing trick.